I stumbled upon this link and I was wondering if people have had success with divine codes, what folks’ opinions are, and such.
I stumbled upon this link and I was wondering if people have had success with divine codes, what folks’ opinions are, and such.
Thanks for sharing. I’ll try some of it and post my results here.
No prob! No harm in trying – I’ll give it a whirl myself.
I’ve tried this very same list about 5 years ago and they do work well. Just like anything, you have to be consistent and open to the energies. Since 5 years ago I was very new to all this and overly excited to the point where after a few weeks of not seeing much results I gave up.
There was something about them…
Sometimes worked, sometimes not…
Well, i did use anxiety healing codes, and well, it worked pretty fast…
I guess as with SM audios, start slow…
Here’s my experience with something like that if you guys are interested I have the whole deck for the body and it works pretty well and you don’t really have to believe in it either. Oh and each card has multiple things it covers if you go to the list of what all the cards contents are. Can just look at it or place the card on your body somewhere or charge your water with the cards energy.
Would it work to put the Parasite Eliminator and maybe the Biotoxin Eliminator to my fishtank, you think?
Well I’d try the cards first for yourself cause when I first tried them and I do think he puts it somewhere that when you first try them the energy is kinda intense and fills you with vitality or the areas your targeting so if it’s too intense for you I would think the fish would probably not take too well to it but I actually don’t know if it’s ok or not for the fish. Perhaps a bigger creature like a dog or cat yes but the fish I’m uncertain.
Thanks for telling us!
Any tips on how you can better watch the screen for 60 seconds? Lol…
And after you get used to it, you can do more than 60 seconds, but It wont really matter?
Honestly the 60 seconds is enough for every use even after you get used to the energy. Tho I will say that if you choose to use the cards try in the morning or mid day as when I first started the energy with the vitality that it has added to it will keep you up at night. It subsides over time and the energy won’t be so crazy I used like 20 cards a day at first and had so much energy I was zoom zoom everywhere. The vitality card itself is nice since it works thru hardened Qi blockages and negative thought forms. But yea I hope you guys find much use of these as I did. Personally I’ll charge my water with them by leaning a card on my water bottle or placing the card under it. If you stare at the card longer then 60 seconds the energy gets to be overwhelming and you have the urge to look away real bad.
Good to know. I’m not energy sensitive at all so I feel like I could probably stare at this for twenty minutes no problem, lol. Thanks for weighing in!
The mind deck should be coming soon, but the body deck really is quite nice. Also in the deck itself it has amplifying cards which are in increments of 5x 10x 20x that you can couple with the enhancers. But the one time I tried amplifying it to 10x it was pretty intense lol.
Let me know how it goes for you guys.
You have psychical cards? Or the amplifiers are also on Virtual cards?
And lol, 20 cards…
This 3rd eye enchancer is strong I think…
Physical cards I bought from his amazon store
Look at the top of the website where it says the cards and click on content of cards, that’s what the cards on the physical deck I have do. It covers soooooo much stuff per card.
Where do you live? I hope they send to Europe…
I think you can also buy the digital set from his website there if you want it quicker or there’s some kind of shipping issue but you can print those when you buy them. Maybe amazon chain in Europe has it? I live in the US
It’s too bad you can’t buy individual cards, unless I’ve missed something. :V
But I want the physical cards! Lol…