Thoughts on Law of Attraction

Agree with @JAAJ in that to begin harnessing the law of attraction, you must first begin by clearing up limiting beliefs. Otherwise when you project what you want to attract, your mind will still be defaulted on the limiting belief of ‘why i don’t have what I want.’ For example, Bob want to attract money. But Bob believes he always has the worst luck whenever he tries to make money. This default belief is the frame from which Bob is trying to attract money. Your default beliefs genereate your day to day reality and in this case, will generate the subscribed reality of you having bad luck whenever you try to make money.

So I’d suggest following his advice on that. I just wanted to quickly speak about how law of attraction is quite logical. And not in the woo sense of energy and all that.

Moreso, that focusing on the positive outcome of a situation more, will increase the chances of manifesting it. By focusing on the positive outcome of getting what you want, your brain fills in the blanks of the patterns that it take to create that outcome for you. The problem is that most people tend to focus on the problem itself rather than the solution. That is just human nature and is very annoying. It’s best to grow enough to be resilient enough to the problem that we accept and acknowledge it and then just put all our focus on the solution. That focus will be lead to your mind finding multiple solutions and seeing opportunities when you go out in the world and meet new people or see different things.

The more you focus on something, the more your reality patterns itself around that focus. Your brain is processing all the information around you and so when it’s focused on the positive oucome of a goal, it will process information around you that alligns with that. Get it?

So although I highly recommend not skipping the self work of clearing the beliefs that keep you in these limited loops, you can still accomplish a lot more in your life when you assert your willpower and focus on the things you want, rather the things you don’t want and reject. Thinking positively about a situation or what you want to achieve, gives your body and mind the level of confidence, clear mind and willpower it needs to find the more preferable opportunities available and push torwards success. This naturally increases your chances of success. Thinking negatively just increases anxiety, fogs up the mind and decreases willpower towards achieving such things.

Many of us just default to fearing the worst possible outcomes and focusing on them. Fear is a powerful magnet back to our comfort zones whenever having to step outside of them. We have to… acknowledge the worst possible outcomes and accept that they might happen. In doing so, we aren’t rejecting all possibilities and our minds become more open and allow us to fully focus all our energy into a positive outcome.

Why? When we are in full rejection of the worst possible outcomes, no matter how much we try to think positively, our defaulted negative repressive energy of rejection is pulling us away from positivity. The possibilities that we most reject become the walls we can’t move past in our minds.


Very true.

I started on the multi-phase self love stacks as of last Friday. I’ve had a few rough days with the Ego Dissolution track paired with the meditation, with plenty of crying, but I’m still going at it, head on.

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Could you elaborate why you consider Abraham-Hicks a scammer? It works really good for me. It’s the same knowledge like Dr. Joe Dispenza, Neville Goddart, Vadim Zeland, just from a different angle.

And her 15 min videos on youtube are great. I always learned something new, much better than reading her books.

I spent 15$ on her meditation (i do them almost every day) and 10$ on her book. Nothing compared to what i spent here :sweat_smile:

For this reason:

“It is not about your positive thinking, visualization or what you even consiously do most of the time. It is all about your Subconscious Mind and the feelings that the core beliefs generate 24/7 and that you carry with you.”

They never talk about this.
They also never talk about any trauma healing or shadow work.

So what exactly did you manifest using the Hicks method (if you want to share examples)?

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Btw, also check out this thread:

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That’s true. I‘m still in conflict with positive thinking/shadow work. For me positive thinking works best. I focused on shadow work for two years and it did more harm than good for me. I saw shadows everywhere and no more light. Even little things that aren’t really negative, led to negative thinking and poor results, also health wise.

Maybe i‘m more on the other end of toxic positivity and that’s why positive thinking works best for me since i‘m more balanced.

For example, i manifested a full schedule of clients and i destroyed this full schedule before with the exact opposite thinking. (Being angry about cancellation of appointments led to a flood of cancellations.)

I also manifested many many little co incidences, just asking for something and 1-2 days later it showed up in my life.

I don’t avoid negative thoughts or try to erase them, but i just don’t give them so much space anymore.

And yes, they don’t talk about the subconscious directly. For that you have techniques like meditation and many aren’t aware of the power of the conscious mind.

You have to convince your conscious self of something with very good arguments and it will also show up in your subconscious mind (but still this is not from Abraham-Hicks, but from Psychocybernetics from Maxwell Maltz).

The unconscious is always creating reality through you.

All limits and determinations retroactively make the perception of anything.

Those limits are unconscious and inaccesible. The moment you access them, they stop being unconscious and limiting your reality.

So, we really need to hunt those limits in a serious manner.

They come from the symbolic matrix of transference, law and representations of authority in our subjective experience (God, Spirituality, a Guru, a book on self help or psychology, etc) whatever functions as a place that organizes our most deep desires and attachments.

That is why desire and lack make sure you don’t have what you want. Because it is retroactively limiting you from having a reality in which that happens as a second nature.