Thoughts on marijuana?

As the title says. I guess I’m looking for opinions and experiences from an enlightened community such as on this forum. There so many controversial opinions surrounding this plant. Personally for me, I find it can really help me with meditation and exercise, also depression. It’s pulled me out of some very dark places. But there are times when I feel I overuse it and it becomes a crutch and holds me back.


Cannabis is a great gift. It can be used as a crutch. As “negative” side effects go, I find the effects to be mild, even if overused.


Use it like a medicine and keep its relationship with you shallow. If your relationship to a herb which alters your mind becomes too strong it can be a problem. Although, depends. Enjoy the present moment and remember you are in control. All is blessed and joyous. :smiley:

i like weed and i believe its a very blessed herb. Usage depends on each person!


Best thing in the universe.


I find that it is good when you are in a situation where you are mentally and emotionally stable.
My experience is that it amplifies all your senses leading to a kind of hyper-awareness.
The problem I have with it is that I become like a sponge and absorb everything.
This means that if I take it in the presence of people who are not aligned with me (with problems, negative vibration etc…)
I feel all this, feel bad and start to feel like them. While at the start, I am fine.
It takes me a few days to detach myself from all this.
Same thing for the entities, I attract them more easily. (good or bad, it all depends on my vibe of the moment)

But otherwise, it has “accelerated” my personal development and I have experienced beautiful moments of epiphany.


For me why i avoid it a lot is. I am very sensitive emotionally and keeping a strong shield is hard while on weed. It opens my being to a next level. I dwell more into the emotional aspects of life than being focused on me (which i find hard anyways)

but it has its perks as well. When emotionally stable, its the bomb


I love it, have used it heavily for years. However, it is pretty debilitating tbh. It gives you the dopamine, hijacks your reward centers for doing nothing worthy of it. The worst part is the prolactin which is a female hormone that makes you content with where you’re at in life

Besides that, it’s a great stress relief, can help you be more creative, and opens some people up socially.
I will tell you, during the period in my life that I had to quit for an internship for a few months, was very transformative and felt like I was on a great path
Sex is also bomb af when smoking, due to that dopamine overload. I was going to take a break but am going to enjoy my time with a new shawty :smiling_imp:


Cool. Check out the other discussion we had on this topic: My thoughts on marijuana usage


It depends on your level of spirituality. It can pull you up if you are down the ladder and vice versa.
It affects your nervous system in the long run.
It’s up to you whether you gain benefit or lose.
Having said that, Marijuana have great significance in Indian spirituality . But illegal :sweat_smile::joy: damn government and its law.


I am a sovereign and divine being.

I use what I want, when I want.

Woe unto those who stand in my path!


Dose and age matter. Most of the product available today has much higher THC levels than the experience of marijuana depicted in popular culture. People under 25 should do a deep dive on the issue.

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You can feel more joy and bliss sober. More than on any drug if you develop spiritually.
You are on spiritual forum and you have all these amazing tools available to you. Use them and in a relatively short time you will see that no drug can give you so much bliss as discovering who you truly are. :brown_heart:

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Personally, im a huge fan :heart_eyes: (replace the heart eyes with weed eyes lol)

It heightens my sensitivity (raises my awareness of subtleties) and increases any psychic prowess for me. these days been smoking a lot, but i go months with out smoking and start again for some months before quitting again a lot in my life, it all depends on what i want in the moment and my “why?”'s


If we are talking about recreational marijuana usage only then
Personally, no.
I’m not one for consuming drugs especially for the notion of getting high but that’s just me.
Its going to make me something I’m really not like in my usual resting state. I’d rather just get high off of life or naam (meditation).


I take CBD most days, it’s a wonderful tool especially when going to bed or when I’m dealing with stage fright. (I don’t like marijuana or THC though, I can’t stand the brain fog.)


My view is that everything which helps it’s good, as long as you don’t overdo it or as long as it doesn’t affect you, so yeah, be free, if it helps you!

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I dont like the high it gives me plus later makes me feel anxious and depressed not my drug of choice!

I am more of a nicotine guy


Interesting thing I must say. I had times/periods when I would overeat myself but also the opposite as well.

I used weed in the past in order to enrich my meditations and insights I would get, or just to feel the fields more and have fun. At some point that stopped, it was like my Higher Self wanted to make it clear it does not want me to smoke anymore.

I have weak tolerance for everything hence as my friend says -Each joint u smoke is like ur first one :rofl: . What this entailed were long streaks where I wouldnt miss a day without getting high and props to forum members who can handle it, this guy cant, it just dimms my inner light and messes with my brain. Only reason I could sustain those periods of daily smoking, was due to:
Overcome all addictions audio

My final conclusion is that depending on the person, weed can be a bad thing or good thing.
Weed is what you make of it, addiction, stress relief, crutch for meditation etc.

However, for some of us, there comes a time in life where as they say It is time to decide what matters more to you and what doesnt