Thread for "Dicyanin Aura Goggles”


and here is a post giving historical context.

from the post description of the online shop:
“these are every bit as effective as the old Kilnescrene and MRG examples as well as the elusive Prana View goggles.”

“These have quite a few applications including energy healing, psychic and metaphysical research, and ghost hunting. Give them a try and you too will see why dicyanin has been banned and this research has been hidden from the public.”


“For the ban, the U.S. government immediately hired an internal chemist to look into all sources of supply that were related to dicyanine. He found out that the company that produced the dye had a special code for its chemists. This code even allowed them to buy LSD, heroin and cocaine as much as they asked for. But the chemists were no longer even authorized to buy dicyanine. Thus, it became clear that dicyanine was classified “more dangerous” than any drug.”


Interesting rabbit hole. Never knew about this.

update on dicyanin goggles. the creator went to sacred sites and showed their “bioenergy”

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looks more like backlighting from the sun in the first photo

it would be interesting to buy some to view sapien medicine fields, although the fields would probably have too subtle of an energetic signature for this.

Perhaps a good experiment would be to play an atmospheric Qi or jing field and view the before and after

Or view my own aura after listening to torsion? idk

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"A platoon leader and officer from Vietnam reported that he was asked to use an experimental device for his missions that was constructed much like a night vision device… A pilot was also using this experimental viewing device and was visibly disoriented. Suddenly, he began to shoot at beings, as one could not see with the naked eye. He was convinced that human-like beings had been there and appeared threatening to him.

In a later interview, the pilot stated that he had also perceived flying demon creatures that were about to attack the helicopter. They are said to have possessed large claws and wings."

Let me know if you demons with this

I don’t think this article should be taken seriously. As well as the whole website (“matrixblooger”)…

But, it actually is a highly toxic gas:

Anyways, the dude and his girlfriend who run this blog and YouTube channel are someone who in my opinion have no actual clue about most spiritual topics, they are just copy pasting content from other (often conspiracy) sources and are just chatterboxes.

They are in the game to sell seminars and other mainstream esoteric items.

They claim to be experienced astral travelers, yet almost everything that they spil out goes against what real astral travelers observe and instead is aligned with all the New Age Channeling Lightworker bullshit that was published since the 80ies.

You can even tell by the way they speak and present stuff that they have not actually experienced it by themselves and are just re-telling what they have read somewhere. They are imposters with no real knowledge.

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i don’t see any issue in this as long as the information is true. matrixblogger cited many sources at the end in regards to the post i originally linked

to be honest i haven’t even looked into this substance so i don’t know if any of it is real.

this angle i missed. it is more straight on so it looks more convincing. look at same angle with no lense

Based on my research on this topic that’s not dicyanin. If such a dye exist that allows people to see their etheric body and visibily see the astral plane, its most likely going to have a lot of misinformation about it.

Spectauranine is dicyanine
"In the first edition of his book “The Human Atmosphere or Making the Aura Visible with the Aid of Chemical Screens” Walter Kilner wrote: “A few friends who have made a thorough study of this substance advised us to disclose the true name to the dye we were using. We also wished to do so, but now it is unfortunately too late, because the name “Spectauranine” has been scattered all over the book, and the book is already at the printers. The real name of this dye is dicyanine. The blue dye mentioned in the book is the dicyanine solution. The red dye, on the other hand, contains carmine. These four glasses, two dye stogs per glass, are only necessary, which are necessary for the observation of the aura.” However, dicyanin was already produced in the previous century by German companies, for example, by the company “Meister Lucius und Brünning“, which also produced dye sensitizers for photographic plates. "

There’s multiple dyes the red one was one the Vietnamese conspiracy was based on.

There’s a lot of false versions of these goggles, some goggles just contain dyes that have similar properties to dicyanin. But I’ll be surprised as the blueish-purplish aura goggles allegedly exposed some people have a different aura shape and structure to most people and other stories suggest these are extra terrestrial that mask them selves as human.

There’s a lot of controversy surrounding these goggles, if you do decide to purchase a pair make sure they are legit.

yeah im not making any hasty purchases, they are the price of many gumroad fields so i’d always choose that over this

this guy claims his are legit and many others are fake but who knows…