I’m tempted to pick up Guild Wars again. Not really to spend much time gaming, but just to re-experience some of the ideas, concept-schemes, aesthetics, etc.
I had first picked it up in Middle School. At the time, I was mostly drawn in by the graphics and gameplay. But I had kept it in the background until I started college. It was interesting to go through different changes with that as a point of reference in the backdrop.
When it was new, I liked the immersive experience of it. A fantasy world with interesting gameplay and an undeniably engaging “good vibe” (for the most part).
When I was in high school, I was diving into philosophy, religion, and the occult. It was interesting to see the blending of things that made it into the game. There were nods to traditional religions as well as elements of Kabbalah, yoga, Hinduism and Buddhism, etc. I even recall looking into some of the Developers and I think a few of them had traveled to Inidia and received initiations (as, I think, Steve Jobs had done at some point in his life/career).
Later on, I’d play lectures or radio shows in the background while putzing around in the game world…
Anyways, I’m finding that I miss the art and imagery and the sense of an upwards drive to something stronger/better/more-perfect. The game had amazing aesthetics for the time and I think they’re pretty good even to this day. The soundtrack is second-to-none, and the story was quite engaging. It followed (originally) a path from a low-level beginner to an actual “Ascension”. So, in that way, it seemed to mimic a spiritual journey.
Having it packaged all-together was something unique. I have no doubt that there is a coherent thoughtform behind it that had some very good qualities.
—In recent ears, life has become a grind where I don’t necessarily have a clear image of the future or where I would need to go and what I need to do. It’d be nice to bring back the state of mind that I had from engaging with that game… even if the concepts and relations only exist in a fantasy, it seemed more healthy, optimistic, motivated towards positive self-actualization… than the states of mind I’ve inhabited lately lol.