Throat Ache Advice

Hi. I have a constant throat ache for more then 3 months. What audio would you recommend?

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Aww you poor thing! You probably have Acid Reflux. Honestly I will tell you to get Prilosec. Two other people on here were looking for solutions with Acid Reflux, and I don’t think anything helped them that they tried. But it could be a different cause for you. Neither one of them tried Advanced Healing. The Advanced Healing is available on Gumroad. Now, it isn’t recommend for long-term illness, but it doesn’t sound like you have a long-term illness.

I also added something to help with your digestion

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Could be related to trauma, anger, resentment, pain. Just saying, 'cause that’s what it has been for me (for…about 2 years, actually) Correct me if I’m wrong but does it feel like you have something heavy in your throat and it just doesn’t go away, no matter how often you swallow?

This is what helped me: