Thyroid Healing and Regeneration

This post was going to be a “so long thyroid medicine, it’s been nice but I’m over you” kind of post.

Unfortunately, that will have to be postponed for a while.

Been off my meds for one month and got blood work done 2 weeks ago to check on TSH level which was way too low.

This time round, though I guestimated my TSH level at about 2.5 in a (0.15-4) bracket, based on how I was feeling, the test showed my TSH level to be at 7.21.

What is absolutely crazy and I must credit this incredible field for it, is that I am still standing and functioning ok, with this really high TSH level vs being a zombie with much lower TSH level 5 years ago.

I am experiencing a whole host of symptoms but I am still able to function.

So it’s back on the meds for me (and I am grateful for the small help and relief they offer), this field 3x as usual and more blood test in 2 weeks time to see what’s happening.

I know that this sudden hike in TSH level is the result of two emotional shocks at work about 3 weeks ago so my next challenge is to find a way to make sure no emotional shock of any kind ever impacts my health again.

Off to read the forum and work out the best way to achieve this.

Immense gratitude for this field for the difference it’s making to my life. :pray: :pray: :pray:


Congratulations on your continuing progress with this field.

I don’t know much about the many facets of this gland (and I know nothing about your body) but given that you seem to now have really high TSH levels (where you once had way too low), might you consider lowering your use of this field some to find a balance which works for you, your condition and your body? Just an idea.


It’s interesting that you mention stress and work problems. I was going to ask you if you were stressed when taking the test .
TSH just like most other hormone tests are fluctuating A LOT depending on the time of the day, if you’re stressed or not, if you’re well fed or not, etc. …
So I wouldn’t see this as anything different than a snapshot of what was going on in your body at this moment in time .
Especially when you feel relatively well.
I would also check the morning temp everyday to make sure you’re having another reliable marker. The closer it is to 37° C , the better .


You could also try rife thyroid frequency ,I talked to a woman ,who could reduce her thyroid dosage by about 90%, just with this frequency .


Hi Well Being,

Oh yes, you’re right, balance is absolutely the goal for me! :slight_smile:

And I will lower my use of the field once things are more stable.

The low TSH level last month was a combination of the field working well and healing my thyroid and the medication I was still taking to lower TSH level, hence the really low result I got.

Taking the meds out of the equation should have brought my TSH level to a slightly higher level within the bracket.

Unfortunately, due to stress and work I’ve gone way above the bracket this time and so am experiencing symptoms, which are making my life difficult even though I don’t feel like a complete zombie like 5 years ago. :slight_smile:

So it’s going to be trial and error for a few weeks, slowly bringing TSH down and then reducing meds and field until everything is stable at a reasonable level and I am symptoms free.


Thanks for your suggestions Alexander! Will be sure to check them out.

Oh yes, this month has been an endless string of stressful situations and looking back, I noticed some symptoms creeping back here and there but didn’t connect the dots until I got the blood test results.

So I will pay close attention to all these markers (thanks for the tip on morning temp, I didn’t know) to help me monitor the situation and hopefully improve the situation over the next month. :slight_smile:


2 weeks is NOT a long time to be using a field.
Now If u said 2 months…(still NOT a long time, but some good changes might be expected)
I started using this field X3 since the day it was released .
I have Hashimotos thyroiditis which is autoimmune. Sometimes it shows us postive, sometimes not for Hashi’s but I always show up Hypothyroid.
I have been hypothyroid for about 30 yrs. I am on 2 different thyroid medications. I have been (pre-covid) in normal range on blood tests, but very low normal within 10 points of being hypothyroid. I want to be mid-range on my blood tests. Soon I will be going to see my doctor in person and she will order blood tests. I will be excited to see the results. I started playing Auto-Immune the day it was released X2, this should also help my thyroid and several other conditions including MAST cell reactivation Syndrome. Again, Auto-Immune was just released. It takes a while to see internal physical changes in my experience, that would show up on blood tests. I also think the older u are and the longer u have had the condition and how severe it is, makes a difference. Also the more fields u listen to on a daily basis, the longer it may take to see results on blood work/scans.

If u have been under a lot of stress that is continous, have them check your cortisol levels.


Hi SilverZuzu,

Sorry I wasn’t clearer in my post.

I have been using this field x3 since the day it came out and had great results with it, which is why I will continue to play it until my levels go back to normal. :-)

I have also played Auto-immune since it came out and am really excited to see where it could take me.

And thank you for your suggestion to check cortisol levels. I will bring it up with my GP next time I see him.


You’ve got this! Good for you.


@WellBeing thank you for all your encouragements! :pray:


I started using this audio a few weeks ago because of a suggestion from someone.
So far this is what I’ve noticed:

  • my nails are normal, I used to have veery brittle nails (the kind when the nail breaks off in layers) since I was a teenager. It kept me from using nail varnish often because in 1-2 days a layer of my nail would come off and it started looking tacky.

  • Less dry skin, my skin is normally dry and these days it much better

  • Not feeling cold. I wasn’t always noticeably cold, but I often noticed that had a lower tolerance Vs my friends. Especially when falling asleep - I would sleep with normal blankets even in the summer. A lot of places in warm countries they don’t even have what I call normal blankets and I would feel cold in the night.

So… I’m glad I added this one, time to paint my nails :laughing:


All signs of better thyroid function :point_up_2::ok_hand:


Very glad to hear this. Be well Momma.


Anyone else’s hair thicken listening to this?!


Most likely there will be, that’s for sure, many advances have come since the original diabetes treatment


This field single handedly removed my weeks long low mood phase .
I stopped listening to it when I went on vacation and even there my mood was pretty low .
I listned to it 2 times yesterday. Today I had a few very urgent bowel movements and I feel so much better . I was already suspecting gut problems at the root of it but my usual fields and supplements didnt do anything .

I usually dont have any long low mood episodes, but this was really intense. I was even questioning if my job was still right for me after having a few bad days .

Today my mood went from a 3 to an 8 on my very own mood scale.

And it gets better , just as I was writing this ,my lost shielding and magi tag appear out of nowhere. I still dont get how they got lost and also dont get how they reappeared .it just seems that I was mean to go through this period without my usual support. I remember it felt almost right when I lost them ,wasn’t even mad .
I listened to the probability and luck for months ,but today I also listened to the planetary effects audio .

No my mood is a 9 :)

@Gnosticmedic27 I think you were also saying you feel a little under the weather lately, maybe this helps!:)


This is the best feeling! Man I’d be devastated if I lost my Magi tag especially! My Matchmaker and Unlimited Energy tags were missing for 6 months and I found them again. It felt like getting them in the mail all over again when I found them.

Thank you for thinking of me! That’s so nice. Im so glad it’s helped you. I will try too. I’m having a better day today thankfully.


Me too normally, that’s why I was so surprised at my own reaction lol

The tags literally just fell out from my sofa when I gently put my feet on it ,so now I’m looking where they came from because the BPIL is still missing :D

No problem I was going to PM you because I just thought maybe we’d find a solution together ,but the field was faster :slightly_smiling_face:


My BPIL also went missing for a long time and I asked my HS where it was and suddenly this loud noise I had been hearing my washing machine make popped into my head. I looked and there it was under the agitators!

Thanks again bro. The endocrine system’s health is very important to mood in my opinion. Makes sense that this helped.

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Maybe check your pockets to shorts and pants. I find things in them all the time.

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