Thyroid Healing and Regeneration

The programming in this video will passively work on you while you listen, What it aims to do is a complete epigenetic reset of the gene expressions in the thyroid, to that of an earlier age (around 14-15) while also using the features of the previous fat to cell video,(​) create stem cells with the surrounding adipose tissue to provide a regeneration effect, the anti cancer field (​) is also included in this, specific to the thyroid area. Should help with a wide range of thyroid problems. I think 2-3 times per day along with your normal treatments if any, until you see your desired results. I wish you the best on your healing journey. you can download this for free here


My mom and @RisingKundaFest will be healed!!!


Whatever anyone has to say about the cost of some of the fields, here once again one is released worth more than the cost of any of them, and for free.


Wow, this is great - hypothyroidism is the cause of so many health issues. Thank you!

The signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism vary from person to person. The severity of the condition also affects which signs and symptoms appear and when. The symptoms are also sometimes difficult to identify.

Early symptoms can include weight gain and fatigue. Both become more common as you age, regardless of your thyroid’s health. You may not realize that these changes are related to your thyroid until more symptoms appear.

The most common signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism include:


Wtffffffff. I was getting dreams yesterday night of dream releasing a thyroid regeneration field. I was also hearing women talk about their thyroid problems the whole day yesterday.


First review after listening 3x

My mom has hypothyroid for many years, I never even thought maybe I would have it too. After reading @InNow’s post, I realized I have the majority of those symptoms too.

I waited until my mom was beside me and I played the audio. Part way through the second listen, my feet which were ice cold, began warming up. My body temperature rose a bit and I am feeling comfortable. WOW, I didn’t think I had this.

As for mom, she doesn’t know about these healings. She’s super religious and doesn’t believe me when I try alternative methods to heal. I’m hoping by her hearing the audio, it’ll heal her too


Yes…hair loss also sign of thyroid got problem. I am going to use this audio plus hair audios


For some reason, it’s not letting me put this in my cart. Any tips, anyone?

I have other, paid fields in my cart already, if that makes a difference.


Ohhhi didnt know it has been uploaded on gumroad yayyy, leaving this comment here in case others didnt know either


Scroll down to this, click on the zero. Press 0. Now you can add it to your cart.


OMG! So frickin’ simple and yet so not obvious!

Thank you.


I have no words to express my gratitude to Dream.

Got hit by hypothyroidism about 5 years ago and it’s been a lousy ride! Tried so many things to fix it and mostly manage a shaky balance but the slightest little thing can throw everything out of wack!

So having a field specifically targeting thyroid issues, wow! And to be honest, I would gladly pay for it. I mean a life free of oodles of meds and endless rounds of blood tests to feel meeh…no brainer!

I’ve got myself plasma protocol and quite a few of the recent fields and they are worth every penny, and then some!

So getting this free, well, I have no words…apart from thank you… from the bottom of my heart! :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:


Ah the synchronicity and the Joy listening to that field, thank you Captain & Sammy :pray:

Just found out this week that one of my good neighbor has been diagnosed with a thyroid cancer, and now this.

Don’t know if he’ll be open to it, but just pouring it through to him in the non-physical feels so nice :heart:



Ive been thinking heavily about this for the past days. Of how you’re developing more complex audios @Captain_Nemo and perhaps would be time for the thyroid. I thought about it last night again! …

Did I die right now?!
I can’t believe you come up with this! @Captain_Nemo

Thank you very very much!
I’ve been battling this for ages and I can’t even begin to articulate correctly my gratitude.

Thank you, thank you thank you. :heart:


This is going to sound too weird and offtopic but I honestly don’t care atm.

I will share a small personal experience.
So, these past few days I’ve been trying to save some money for one of the newer fields. And I was trying to understand which one would be better for the Thyroid.

You know, first the muscle field, but later I was told it was just for the muscles. So, it wouldn’t balance the hormones as I thought it would. So I “scratched” it

Then Plasma Glass Skin came up, which could indirectly help mitigate side effects. Again, “scratched”

Then I thought about the Mikrokinesi Therapy and Ye Old Negentropic Harmonizer which I was thinking of buying and combining them and stacking them for this issue. One would act on the environment (which in my case, my home although stable or prefictable, is unhealthy - this can trigger a multitude of diseases) and Mikrokinesi could act trying to accelerate my healing and telling my body what to do (by using its memory healing) - however this would be pricy and could be with no avail.

So, today I woke up and was heavily tired, it happens at times… And I was like “yeah, Adrenals”, ( I had the CE tag on lol) but I didn’t wake up in this reality (it took me a few hours to understand this) . So I went to sleep again, a short nap, because I thought I broke a sleep cycle and should fix it.
However, I was dreaming inside dreams.

First I fell asleep last night with the Cognitive Enhancement tag (additional 5-6 hours of usage) , which I don’t recommend Btw, lol
I’ve started a few days my brain stack (I will write about it here today)

Secondly, after falling asleep I dreamt about Gumroad and buying audios. And the options available.

At the moment we have a coupon, nonetheless, Gumroad charges me heavily for taxes.
Either way, in the dream I forgot about the coupon and bought the audio without it. And paid for it. Which audio? I’ve been trying to remember which field it was, but I can’t lol
For the past few days I’ve been thinking about this field. Dreaming about it. And learning about complex issues regarding human psyche, emotions and such.

After buying the field I woke up, but different then I had woke up the first time. My clothes were different. So, I was confused, because I was not in the same place. Anyway I went about with it

Then it hit me : check the forum. And so I did. “Thyroid” I heard.
And saw i was tagged by @SC448. Again, I’ve heard it : “he’s done it”. Before entering the topic.

And then I remembered the coupon and such, and saw it was free.
I’m still confused whether I was knowingly shifting my reality. Or what the hell I was doing… Or if I “manifested” this…

But I’m so damn thankful that I don’t give a damn.

Thank you Captain. I know I’ve been a “pain in the ass” questioning you about its possibility, or different approaches and what not, my friend. As also I’ve done to Sammy.

Since I don’t want this post to be completely offtopic, I will ask a question : can it be used by my younger sister? She’s a teen, suffering from the Thyroid also.

Hopefully she will not have all the same predicaments I do.

Again, thank you friends @Captain_Nemo @SammyG.
I’m thankful for sharing this piece of existence with you.

And of course, you’ve made the audio free. So, all that dreaming and a coupon has a deeper meaning I have to understand :blush:

I’m so thankful and grateful! :heart:
I’ve said it once, I will say it again : you made my existence much more bearing.

And at times, as one contemplates death and even, perhaps, taking his life, life itself throws you a rope. Not to hang yourself , but to hang on.

Love you all
:bowing_man: :heart:

On topic : great field, helps with the thyroid :crazy_face:


No words to say…

Thank you


The thing is that at age 14-15 my overall health and the health of my organs was really bad. I’m 20 rn and I’m much healthier than I used to be earlier after months and years of using fields. So will this take my thyroid back to that “unhealthy” state as it was in age 14-15. I like to think no. But I thought I’ll confirm here.


Thank you :heart:


No, that’s just the “saying”, in reality it will heal your Thyroid completely, so don’t worry, happy healing


I think the implication is that at teenage years your hormones, as a biological standpoint, are known to be on an optimal level. Especially regarding the possibility of regenerating.

So that’s why it is stated as such.

So if you had the healing capacity of teenage years PLUS the fields smartness in addressing the illness, then you will be better overall.

So getting back to 14-15 with the healing happening? Think about the possibilities. Where do I sign🤘?

As long as it is safe for children I’ll consider sharing with my sister. If the Captain would like to jump in thanks :blush: