I’ve had a baby boy spirit hovering around me for over a year now. I told him he could incarnate into our family if and only if I could heal from type 1 diabetes.
Long story short. I think he’s here—
and I want to get serious about healing.
I listened to endocriner for 3 months and had no improvement- in fact I needed more insulin when I went to see my endo. That being said, it wasn’t used in a comprehensive stack
I think there’s some type of blockage in this area, as it’s the one area where I feel resistance with fields.
So I need to get serious about this— this is the stack im doing this morning. So far I’ve noticed that adding a lot of prep work fields before endocriner, it feels like it’s energized to work more and not just hitting a bunch of subconscious road blocks.
- ultimate integration tool
-speed up physical changes
-self love directed to the organs
-smart stem cells
-pancreas reloaded
How would you close this stack out? Self love to the organs again? It needs something to seal everything at the end.
Favorite fields for tapping into miracles?
Essence of faith and prayer maybe?
I’m thinking twice a day.
Active listening to help through the blocks.
Best advice for manifesting physical healing?
Im shocked, but determined.