Tiredness and Fatigue?

How to get rid of afternoon tiredness and fatigue?

I think I have chronic fatigue at usual period of days
How can I increase mental alertness?

It’s annoying to get mental fatigue especially at job

What field you use for it?


Good place to start is liver and kidneys. See if that helps.


Brain massage x3 is good for mental fatigue


Try The Brain Refresher from Lesser Diamonds album, from the description it sounds like it should help with mental fatigue, also Positive Power Waves from the same album for an energy boost:

The Brain Refresher
“itself is highly complex but it resets the potential of each brain cell.
Also draws nutrients and hydration to also keep the brain refreshed.
The mental exhaustion and boredom of repetitive tasks can be reduced highly.”

Positive Power Waves
“are a dense compression of positivity and positive energy into the core of your being, this energy is slowly released for your own usage and repair, and remains as a sustained dense structure for a while, it will supplement any energy needs and be useful in sports. But each action is now influenced for a highly positive outcome.”


Thanks for that reminder. I keep forgetting about The Brain Refresher.


Afternoon fatigue, especially after lunchtime, occurs usually due to insulin resistance. Try these two:

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Thank you guys for answers

I will try all these

It’s annoying to have this fatigue, tiredness and I especially have it on noon and afternoon
It’s like I lose all my energy and mental energy and then I am good for nothing

That’s reason why I before two years started with coffee and coffein, but it had terrible effect on me afterwards and I am avoiding it now
I stopped with it

I need mental alertness and awareness in these periods at job

And I noticed in that period of time I am most (mentally) vulnerable and at noon and afternoon people could mentally abuse me, because then I don’t have any barriers because of this my fatigue and tiredness.
Btw. that was usual thing in my ex-fabric

It was like “hey, he is now weak, let’s make some fun of him and mentally hurt him”

I mean I possess very mental sharpness, thougness until these moments in noon, afternoon

And many people in these moments use coffein and coffee but I won’t anymore to use it

Do you think this my situation needs some medical condition, treatment?

I think the problem may be the negative people and energy around you in your office. I would recommend Soul Restoration series, Auric and Energy Body Repair, and possibly some fields to raise your vibration (Vibration series, Raise Your Vibration State) to cut all these draining connections and improve your energy storage.


Then dont be with the people that abuses u when ur low. Only when ur guard is up.