New Release: Lesser Diamonds album

2-3 times or with your discretion.

The album contains 5 tracks:

  1. Positive Power Waves
    are a dense compression of positivity and positive energy into the core of your being, this energy is slowly released for your own usage and repair, and remains as a sustained dense structure for a while, it will supplement any energy needs and be useful in sports. But each action is now influenced for a highly positive outcome.

  2. Super Lung Trainer
    is a fat metabolizer and control muscle developer, it metabolizes the fat around the muscles and anywhere it is located around the lungs, so there is over time a lot less ‘heaviness’ around the lungs to cause breathing pressure. the muscles that control the lungs themselves are also strengthened and developed, so that you gain a larger control and even regain control of the lung muscle in this way all the proper muscles are developed not just the ones used for shallow breathing.

  3. The Brain Refresher
    itself is highly complex but it resets the potential of each brain cell.
    Also draws nutrients and hydration to also keep the brain refreshed.
    The mental exhaustion and boredom of repetitive tasks can be reduced highly.

  4. The Essence of Burnt Sage
    Burning sage is one of the oldest and purest methods of cleansing a person, group of people, or space and of getting rid of unwanted spirits. The practice dates back to prehistoric times and it’s been documented as having been used in every corner of the world by our ancestors.”
    But white sage is an endangered plant, this is a far more sustainable creation.
    (scented as well)
    Youtube link:

  5. The Smart Skin Tightener
    works towards removing all the loose skin around you body.
    learns and grows, as a highly focuses apoptosis is induced to all loose areas.
    the destroyed cells are used a raw materials and nutrition for existing and remaining cells.


OMG, Captain is really on fireeee! :fire: :fire: :fire:


They’re all under 4 minutes too, makes it much easier to fit into stacks.


Patreon release:

Descriptions coming soon

but you can use the name as a guide for now

2-3 times or with your discretion.



Positive power waves
Super Lung Trainer
The Brain Refresher
The Essence of Burnt Sage
The Smart Skin Tightener


Thanks Captain!!! the art its amazing :mage: :crystal_ball:


Fire release. Thanks, Captain.


Super Lung Trainer is for improving stamina, am I correct?


You are more than correct my man :grin:


I wonder what Brain Refresher is for.


Thanks, Captain! :slight_smile:


Super Lung Trainer is probably great for singers.


oh dang, nice surprise! thanks, captain!

11 Benefits of Burning Sage

  1. It may be purifying

The most-used types of sage have antimicrobial properties. This means they keep infectious bacteria, viruses, and fungi at bay.

  1. It may help relieve the symptoms of some conditions

Common positive ions are allergens like:

  • pet dander
  • pollution
  • dust
  • mold

  1. It can be a spiritual tool

Smudging has long been used to connect to the spiritual realm or enhance intuition.

  1. It may help dispel negative energy

Smudging may also be used as a ritual tool to rid yourself — or your space — of negativity. This includes past traumas, bad experiences, or negative energies from others.

  1. It can cleanse or empower specific objects

Burning sage creates fragrant smoke central to smudging’s benefits. You can use this incense to smudge yourself or specific spaces.

  1. It may help improve your mood

Tradition suggests that smudging can literally lift one’s spirits to banish negativity. Some research supports this.

  1. It may help soothe stress

If burning sage can lift one’s mood, it could also be a great ally against stress.

  1. It may improve the quality of your sleep

Smudging has been traditionally used to safeguard against negativity that could interfere with sleep.

Some research suggests that sage contains compounds that could help ease insomnia.

  1. It may help boost cognition

In addition to dissipating negative energy, improving mood, and strengthening intuition, smudging with sage might improve your memory and focus.

  1. It may help boost your energy levels

Ridding the body, objects, and spaces of bad energy can help welcome in newer, fresher, and more positive energies. In a way, this could have an energizing effect and help with fatigue.

  1. It can create an uplifting fragrance

For some, this may be the best of all benefits: Sage is a lovely incense with a divine aroma, pure and simple.




Feeling a lot of stimulation on my lungs while listening to Super Lung trainer. This plus Sapien’s Lung Restoration and strengthening will be highly beneficial for those who are in sports.


And cardio-training, trails, deep diving, etc.
This + Hardcore :exploding_head:

Also on an energeticl level, the lungs store grief and despair.
Along with a strong connection to the heart :heart:

And the beaaaaats though :man_dancing:


Can’t wait to use the sage (i’m hoping it will give the benefits of burning sage even through headphones)


Using it right now, and I can smell it!!! :heart_eyes: Plus I feel like dancing, lol.

  1. The Brain refresher.
    Ha ha.
    I’m having a rough day today. I’m completely sleep deprived.
    I’ve been haunted by the urge to sleep all day.
    The Brain Refresher is a particular refresher, I had a chance to test it.

It’s probably indicated for use in the morning.


With headphones I’m assuming? Lol, and nice!


Oops sorry, on speakers, but I doubt it will make a difference! :slight_smile: