šŸš¢ Titanic Remastered (2023)

OMG! It is happening!

  • 3D
  • 4K
  • HDR

:star_struck: :heart_eyes: :partying_face:

Titanic returns to the big screen in remastered 4K 3D from February 10, 2023 worldwide.

Who else is going to the cinema for at least 2 times?

Music from the trailer is this:
James Horner - Unable to Stay, Unwilling to Leave


This re-release will for sure put Titanic to be the number 1 highest-grossing film of all time (inflation adjusted of course)!



Titanic is one of three movies to ever win 11 Oscars.

After seeing you being so hyped about titanic I had to rewatch it (afterā€¦a decade or so?).

Is there something deeper that I am missing? Because I found it to be pretty boring, although leornado has some good acting in it.



These ladies explain it pretty well in under 2 hours (major spoiler warning):

IĀ“ll try the first. Dunno why but she seems somehow familiar

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Which are the others?

Okay, IĀ“ve seen the first video.

I agree with most if not all of the points she made. WonĀ“t deny the title song hits me in the feels.

But the first minutes in you could already tell ā€œokay thatĀ“s the asshole husband, the snobish rich family, the poor but decent and creative guy, the smothered girl who just wants to break freeā€¦ā€
The whole sinking of the ship was so drawn out, over dramatic while itĀ“s obvious how itĀ“s all gonna turn outā€¦
maybe itĀ“s just me, but I felt often like they tried to press an okay plot into a package of beautiful music, scenery and actors.

I like the twinflame theme and I think of it as good portrayed, especially where he affirms that she is the only one who can set herself free. I was in a similar situation with a girl before and I thought of this scene as very authentically acted. But overall the movie looks to me so ā€œflatā€ and the main plotline so obvious from early onā€¦

Maybe IĀ“ll give it another chance later on.


I like the scene where Kate Winslet observes another little girl in the first class restaurant whoā€™s being taught table manners, how to sit straight, etc

Me as an observer could feel in every inch of my body how much Kate sees herself in this girl and how much she wants to cut ties with that life of pompous charades


For people who have not watched the movie before, the 2012 trailer is much better than the new one from 2023 and give a better overview what the movies is all about:

I hope they wonā€™t sink the ship this time

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Titanic full OST playlist:


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The movie is now in the cinemas!
Who is going to watch it in 4k and possibly 3D?
Vote below:

  • Iā€™ve seen Titanic before and will watch Titanic 4k (3D) at the cinema again :star_struck:
  • Iā€™ve seen Titanic before but will not watch Titanic 4k (3D) at the cinema :neutral_face:
  • I have not seen Titanic yet but will finally watch Titanic 4k (3D) at the cinema (= good boy/good girl) :relieved:
  • I have not seen Titanic yet and will not watch Titanic 4k (3D) at the cinema :expressionless:
0 voters

To the Zoomers:
Go go go!
Itā€™s good old cinema time!

I will go at least 2 times, lol.
And no, James Cameron is not paying me or this thread :grinning:


To all those who havenā€™t seen it and donā€™t wanna go to the cinema, at least watch it at home imo. Itā€™s so brilliantly acted


Just watched Titanic in IMAX 3D 4k HDR :heart_eyes:

Oh man, what an experience!


Go and watch it now guys as long as it still on the big screen.

:white_check_mark: I watched Titanic at the cinema in 1998 when it came out.
:white_check_mark: I watched Titanic at the cinema in 2012 when it was released in 3d.
:white_check_mark: I watched Titanic at the cinema in 2023 when it was enhanced to 4k and HDR.

Letā€™s call it a life fullfilled.
Incarnation successful.
Mission accomplished.
From here on everything else is just a bonus.

:partying_face: :tada: :confetti_ball:

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