To those who are finding it difficult to gain height

I have seen many people on the forum who are having difficulty gaining height despite being consistent in listening to the related fields religiously . I am led to the belief that this is mainly because people don’t take ‘targeted action’ to increase their height along with listening to the audios.

Understand it this way : if you don’t work out then the muscle gain/bodybuilding fields will not be as effective as they can be.Its understandable why people don’t do exercise related to height gain , as there is dearth of good material that tells us how to gain height as compared to workout routine information.

I am attaching a pdf related to the same so that people can follow it and get the full benefits of the audios. A friend of mine followed this guide and gained 2 inches. He didn’t even listen to any audios.

here is the link :

Wish all of you best on your paths :smile:


I agree, some goals simply are better accomplished by taking action instead of just listening to audios. Fields should supplement action.

Take for example male enhancement. Sure you can listen to audios and fields that will help you grow, but if you actually took action and performed kegels and stretching exercises you would get results far faster than listening to audios alone.

Of course doing both is the best of both worlds.


Hey, the link isn’t working anymore. Could you post a new one?

Thank you,


I second this.
I’ve done the basic exercises consistently and had pretty satisfactory results. Persistence was really important. You’ll never look back

Ay mate, if you’re talking about male enhancement, can you tell which exercises you performed, how much did you gain and in how much time?
Thanks matem

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For some reason the link is not working for me. Can you please check?

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Yeah @tourist it appears the google drive file doesn’t exist anymore. Any chance you still have access to it or remember off the top of your head what it instructed?

The basic exercises i refer to are


I had an ex who kind of indirectly mentioned i wasn’t performing too well, and this kind of motivated me to become better. I started reading on the pegym website and also read their book, that really helped.

Then i began Kegels daily, either while commuting, working, etc, just here and there, probably 15 minutes a day. Stretches and jelqs you can only do while alone, so i started out in the shower and whenever i had privacy, probably another 15 minutes.

I’d say Kegels helped the time of performing tremendously, at one point i could go on for hours literally and i couldn’t believe it honestly.

For gains themselves, i didn’t actually bother too much, all i wanted was perform well and perhaps some better aesthetics. So i can’t tell you if i actually gained much, but I’d say yes.

Finally combine this with nofap and you’ll be as confident as ever, it’s pretty awesome honestly.

It’s good stuff, I’d recommend to anyone

PS that time i didn’t know sapien so i have no idea how the male enhancement field affects the practice


The link is not working bro, it shows the document is deleted. May u send that pdf again?

I don’t know if there are doctors or people like that in this forum.

But my recommendation is use audios to lose weight specifically for those who consume Adiposites or use the lpl or lipolysis pathway.

(No thermogenesis nonsense please, maybe T3 or T4 but I don’t recommend it, too dangerous).

And then, tell me. Your exponential results.:ringer_planet:

-Boost Ketosis FEM
-Belly Burn
-Leptin Repair
-Hunger Inhibition

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Ofc don’t have dinner

Hey @tourist, do you still have the PDF cause the link is not working.