Too soon for physical fields?


I’m just starting out with Sapien on Patreon and could use some advice, please.

I’m concentrating on PONR at the mo, due to feeling like I really am at the ‘Point of No Return!!!’.
I’ve tweaked my stack after reading various threads on here - thanks for the fantastic amount of info available - and wondered if I should just concentrate on this right now; or if I could add four purely physical fields per day, too?

My current stack:


  • Energy Body / Aura Deep Clearing × 1
  • The Exorcism Rite × 1
  • Subconscious Limits Removal × 1
  • Love, Gratitude & Appreciation × 1
  • Trauma Release & Healing × 1
  • Forgiveness & Release × 1
  • Emotional Release × 1


  • PTSD × 2 (every other day - will reduce after a week)
  • Mindfulness (Self Realization Series) x 1
    And: (on the days I’m not using PTSD)
  • Plasma Light… 3 minutes × 1
  • Grounding - 3 minutes × 1
  • Plasma Light… 3 minutes × 1
  • Grounding - 3 minutes × 1
  • Plasma Light… 3 minutes × 1
  • Grounding - 3 minutes × 1


  • The Exorcism Rite × 1
  • Love, Gratitude & Appreciation × 1
  • Trauma Release & Healing × 1
  • Forgiveness & Release × 1
  • Emotional Release × 1
  • The Outlook Retrainer × 1
  • The Mana Circuits x 1

Does my stack, stack up? :thinking: Or am I over doing it? Can I add some more (physical ones), or should I just concentrate on this for a month first?

Any help would be much appreciated :pray:
Thank you :grin:

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Really what you’re asking us here is to tell you what your energy systems can handle and to set your priorities for you. And when you think about it, are you sure that’s what you really want?

You’ve told us (in several places and in different ways) that you’re at a point of no return, to the point of thoughts of suicide and possibly receiving a diagnosis (if I’m remembering correctly). And that’s ok. That happens.

My point is–to me, without knowing what physical challenges you are dealing with–that would seem to me to be the priority. Wouldn’t you want to tend to that first, as best you can?

I personally am not understanding your Afternoon playlist. I’m not saying that it’s “wrong.” I just don’t understand it.

I personally put Plasma Light at the beginning of my playlists and, if this were my playlists, I’d put it in the beginning of “my” Morning (after EB/ADC) and Evening stacks. Similarly, I’d put Grounding at the end of “my” Morning and Evening stacks.

Why are you playing Plasma Light only 3 minutes at a time? Might that be your answer to your own question? (Just so you know, Plasma Light does work on physical problems, too.)

I guess I’m just unsure of what I’m doing and looking for some guidance. I’m feeling a bit lost.
There are so many amazing tracks to choose from, and I’ve been researching the ones that seem most pertinent right now, by putting each one into the search bar of this forum, in order to get some more insight into the specifics of what they do, and how and when to listen to them.

I’ve mixed up the PONR stack, using the info from Sammy and Om, to see how that plays out.

I’ve put PTSD in the middle because it’s powerful - so I wanted a break between it and the morning and evening stacks (like having breakfast, lunch then supper. PTSD is lunch) - and because the description really resonated with me.
I put Mindfulness after it, again because of the description, plus I thought it would be calming. I also think someone else on the forum mentioned playing Mindfulness after PTSD.

Then I’ve chosen Plasma for much the same reasons.
It’s powerful, covers a multitude of issues, and I thought I could play it on the days I’m not listening to PTSD.
I thought maybe it would be too much, adding it to the AM and PM playlists, and that it might be better to give it its own slot, so to speak.
I guess I’m trying to cram as much in there as possible, which may not be the best approach… Hit my problems from multiple angles to see what works.
The reason I do 3 mins of Plasma, then 3 mins of grounding, is because of this:

One of the reasons I’m very depressed at the moment is because I have some physical issues, which are causing me pain and exacerbating my low mood. So, I thought I might be able to add four more, purely physicality based tracks, to help with those.
But yes, you’re right; Plasma does work on a physical level, so maybe that’s enough for the moment.

I have Borderline Personality Disorder, which is making me pretty paranoid and insecure (it also means I tend to overshare), plus I’m menopausal and my emotions are all over the place.
This forum is a little intimidating. Everyone is lovely and super helpful, however, I find it hard sometimes to understand the descriptions of the more complex fields, and I don’t always understand what’s being talked about in the different chats. It’s a bit like a different language. Like computer code, or something. It may be my age. Or just that I’m stoopid!
You’re all very knowledgeable and seem like a really close-knit community, but to a newbie, who’s trying to wade through all these incredible, and unknown, concepts, it can get confusing and frustrating.

Thank you for replying and for your advice.
I really do appreciate you taking the time to answer me :slight_smile:

Sorry for the essay like response. Don’t worry about replying. I’ll figure it out as I go along. I just wanted to explain the thinking behind my choices.

I understand.

Fair enough. So, here’s something which could give you some structure:

  1. Write down all the issues you want your fields to help you with. A big ol’ list.
  2. Now, you’re going to organize your list. Here’s how I would do that organization:
  3. Grab a fresh sheet of paper.
  4. Review your list, asking yourself, “If I could fix only 1 of these issues, which would be the most important issue on this list to me that I’d want to be fixed?”
  5. When you’ve selected your most important issue, write that issue at the top of your fresh sheet of paper with a #1. Cross your most important issue off your original big ol’ list.
  6. Review your original big ol’ list again, asking yourself that same question. Because you have crossed off your #1 issue and moved it to your fresh sheet of paper, that’s no longer under consideration.
  7. When you’ve selected your next most important issue, write that underneath your #1 on your fresh sheet of paper as #2. Cross your next most important issue of your original big ol’ list.
  8. Rinse, repeat until you’ve selected and moved your issues from your original big ol’ list to your numbered list.

Now you have your road map (and you have used your power to make your choices for yourself–Good for you!).

“Powerful” in what sense? “Powerful” because of how you experience it? Or “powerful” because of how some people have described it?

When you dial into what you’re meaning there (you don’t have to answer me here), then you can make some more choices for yourself.

As I asked you in my initial reply to you, if you’re finding either PSTD or Plasma Beach “powerful” in your own personal experience, then I would think that’s your answer to your title question, is it not?

You’re smart to recognize that it isn’t the best approach. Good for you.

Well, you’re still hitting your problems from multiple angles with your 3 playlists, even without adding physical fields. So, you still get to do that for yourself, right?

Got it. Here’s the thing: exhausting your energy body with more fields could also exacerbate your low mood. You want your fields to help you, not compound your problems, right?

With the big question mark still in my mind about what “powerful” is meaning for you (which would give me information about how your energy system is handling the fields you’re already playing) m a y b e (there’s a lot of doubt and caution in that formatting there) you could add in a general pain assistance field (like New Release: Pain Control 2.0 (Experimental smart field)). You could try that and see how you feel.

And I would remind you that depression (and low moods) are well-known as a factor in exacerbating pain, meaning that as your current playlist can be beneficial for this physical problem as well.

You’re not alone there and there are several reasons that those descriptions can be hard to understand. That’s why some threads get to be so long. :wink:

And part of that is that, for some of us, it is a different language, many different languages, thanks to the global nature of this forum.

I don’t want to give you more reasons to feel more paranoid insecure but, hopefully, you’ll have “self-love” somewhere on your big ol’ list above.

I have no doubt that you will.

hello lovely! please be sure to know that everyone here would love to help and answer all your questions! :)

I have read your stacks and they seem great! You have also mentioned physical fields but would you help us a little bit by mentioning the fields you wanna add?

Is the meno unpause field on that list? :).

It’s a smart step to add healing physical fields and specially in the beginning, as the body is letting go and releasing all of these energies. Best to keep your body in good health during! Specially when it’s something you know you’ve been dealing with.

The more you spend time with your stacks the more you will be able to know the right combination of fields you need! And so far you’re doing a great job really :)

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this should be enough for the issues for the whole day, meaning that you dont need the midday and evening stack.
here is the place to say that the Outlook retainer could replace the trauma release audio.

there you go… lots of place for physical audios at noon , afternoon, evening…

i would place one or two loops of repel negative energy vers. 2 on the beginning also.

Wow, thank you so much for your long, detailed and compassionate reply :blush:

I’m going to get on with that big ol’ list now, and use it as my road map. It’s a brilliant idea. Simple, yet effective. A bit like me…

I say “Poweful”, mostly because of how some people have described various fields, in terms of their potency. Or from the listening instructions that come with them, on Patreon.
I have also experienced some tiredness and headaches while listening - I am drinking lots of water! - however, it’s hard to know if those symptoms are being caused by listening to too many fields, or because of the menopause.
Since becoming peri-menopausal - which I started before finding Sapien - I’ve been experiencing insomnia and headaches (along with a whole load of other symptoms, that I won’t go into details about… :grimacing:), so it’s tricky to differentiate.

An issue I have, because of the BPD, is that I don’t trust my instinct / gut feelings / judgement anymore. I am very oversensitive and easily offended; I also often overreact to peoples words and misread situations. Plus, I’m incredibly indecisive. Cor, I sound like a blast, don’t I?! :crazy_face:
Consequently, I often look to others to provide me with the “answers” to… well, everything, really.

Thank you. Yes, I recognise that this definitely isn’t the best approach. Gosh, dangnabbit, I was just decisive!


So true. I think a huge amount of my physical problems are caused by my state of mind.

Okay. I’ll keep reading and, hopefully, learning.

Which is fantastic!

Yes, “self-love” is on the big ol’ list, and “Become Whole”, is on the ‘add to stack’ list.

I thank you for the kindness you’ve shown me, and your confidence in me :pray:

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Thank you so much for your lovely reply, Desiree :slight_smile:

I’m glad you think my stacks are okay. Everyone’s been very kind, having a look at them, and giving me advice.

Physically I’ve got some eye issues and some skin problems.
Chronic blepharitis - which is driving me nuts - constant itchy, gunky, sore eyes. Eczema (body and face), and some acne (body and face).
My GP thinks they’re related, again, to the menopause, because everything started at the same time, and they are known (but fairly unusual) symptoms.
I’m really reluctant to try Un-Menopause because I’ve had a lifetime of terrible periods - severe PMT and heavy bleeding - so not having periods anymore is the one positive thing.
I’ve also just been put on HRT to see if that helps with all the symptoms I’m getting. It could take up to three months to see how much that helps.

Do you have any that you would particularly recommend?

I’m sure you’re right, and that seems to be the general consensus.

Thank you again for taking the time to reply to me, and for your encouraging and supportive words!

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I’m glad you found that helpful.

Great! Thank you for your clarification. And good for you for reading the supplemental information that’s been graciously shared here! This is a skill that you have that’ll serve you well.

I think it’s good that you’re heeding the guidance shared here. In my country, we have a saying, “The common man learns from his own mistakes. The wise man learns from others’ mistakes.” Look at you being wise!

Like I said, it’s good that you’re being wise and allowing yourself to be guided by the experiences shared in here. As you do that, do keep in mind that all of our experiences are individual, because we all have our unique combinations of histories, habits, strengths and potentials and we’re all (contrary to what social media would have us believe) at different points on our paths.

So, it’s good that you’re beginning slowly, see what your experience is. Then you can build from there, if that’s what you want to do.

As you come to “know” me, you’ll find I’m loathe to tell forum friends what to do. To me, this wise awareness of yours suggests to me that you’ll want to hold off adding too many more fields, until you can have more clarity if the fields or something else is affecting you, and in what ways.

Could your headaches be a result from your fields? That’s possible. They can also be a sign that you’re releasing, too. Either way, it means your fields are working for you. And your fields could have physiological causes as well. You might have to get more comfortable with your playlists to determine which of these (or other) possibilities it might be for you.

Okay, that’s really interesting, thank you so much. It’s great to get so much feedback from all you knowledgeable lot! It definitely helps. Much appreciated :)

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