Torus Weaved Respect

That’s what I mean

Thank you for your kind words, these fields are crazy, the Captain leaves the descriptions short for us to experience the whole effect by ourselves. Life is better in the most unexpected ways!!!


Extremely underrated field. It even works online. Crazy.

This, Unbreakable and Knight/warrior mindset and sometimes charisma and glamour = you become jesus christ himself


Yeah, I believe this field can also boost other field’s results. Depending on what you listen and if you go out a lot.


Nice :+1:t5: :blush:,what are your experiences , and what fields do you suggest ?

The respect aspect is real, online and offline. It immediately creates an aura of respect. I pair this with unbreakable, knight/warrior and charisma/glamour if I really want to stand out. If I want to stand out even further, add the Armor of light and glory + the star and some oja looping and you’ll be a walking ray of sunshine


I recommend using this field if you are trying to get a payrise


Congratulations on your payraise!


Is it fine to loop this all night?

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That would be taxing to your energy body and not needed at all, full efficacy is given by just a few loops.

“2 or 3 times for best effects”

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In addition to what @noOne said, this part of the description:

suggests that you want to playing this field closer to the time when you’ll be interacting with the people you want to respect you. Maybe that’s “all night” for you but if not, you may want to plan accordingly.


You saying this is very clever and high class.

Edit: Meant for Dream.

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So I guess this respect will be somewhat permanent if I listen to this over a long period of time. I sure hope it will cause im in love with it.

hello, any more testimonials on this?

I havent used this in a loong time, but thats just because i work from home and rarely go out into the wild world :sweat_smile: so i kinda dont need it.

I can give you my opinion from when i used it if you like?

Im talking about 2 years ago :grimacing:


Please do!


Do you feel that it works regardless of the distance?

I would appreciate an answer :pray:

I just read you haven’t used it in 2 years… some speculation is appreciated as well :joy:


Okie dokie.

Let me first paste here my first comment (with a previous profile) about this field. Then i tell you what came after.

The energy stay for a long time, but i think it was because back then i was playing Major BoP daily too and that one def enhances and pushes every other field play, but i am sure along KQA it would have the same effect.

I still think it was just how strong it builds the rapport in the torus that keeps exuding.

The change from the people around (ANY and EVERYONE) was big, bare in mind that i was liked, supported, accepted etc. And still saw a big difference.

A mix that you dont see much around unless is someone that literally is famous for standing out in any crowd.

And that mix is what i mentioned with the previous profile.

Usually people that is admired, respected, looked up to, etc have this Emperor/Queen of Swords kinda approach/vibe/attitude.

Like they are not mean just because they have power but they are just polite keeping boundaries in place, fair and supportive towards their people but still you there im here, so people respect them and appreciate them but keep the distance. This people is more brain than feelings and exude an aura of power, fair power, well deserved high position = with merits.

And the other set of people others respect, admire, support, follow up, get inspired by are the ones that dont have the same power or aura of power but have a heart of gold and a charming demeanor that wraps everybody in their little finger ans still get all they want without effort and without the need of a big power.

But the really rare ones are the ones that have both type of energies all the time.

I felt exuding that mixed type of energy and therefore the reactions around match it. Enough said.

There is something “alchemical” about this field too, perhaps because of that mix i tell you, you feel it everywhere, imploding, circulating around and then exploding, like almost able to “taste” the different colors in the pic, as if each one was an element in the alchemical mixture.

It goes very deep and miz up harmoniously within and outside you, you wouldnt feel like its just the effect of the field for a few hours after you play it, no, you feel like that person that is growing as if you were born to be that or have always been that so you are just regaining your position.

And well, anyone from that time i still speal here and there even if we dont see face to face still treat me the same way, so i guess the impact and the memory is intact.

Actually, i feel like playing this again daily!


Hmmm well the last part answers that partially other than that i think there needs to be a starting point or after a while of usage where the energy that you emanates is picked up but the others you lile online talk to? Or over the phone? I guess its what you mean righr?

But not like suddenly people would feel that and reach out if you havent been in contact.

But who knows?


Even in thise cases.

However in those days, yeah whoever i was in contact in the distance gave me the samw treatment “extra special”


if you look at the picture of the torus…doesnt it seem like a shield to you and it shows the base, sacral and solar plexus lit…

just food for thought.

i felt it makes other shields more potent.

they esp. shielding 3 are also torus form

and also the crystal audios work better after it…