Torus Weaved Respect

It’s on a new channel by captain


Here are the actual NFTs…


Good luck to the bidders :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover:



Picked this up during the holiday sale and have been using this everyday for the last two weeks with many positive goodies to share. The first day I listened 3 times then went about my day and the first thing I noticed was how calm I was. I went to get some groceries from the store and usually I get a little anxious being around a lot of people but this time I noticed how easy it was to walk around the store feeling internal peace and I was so relaxed that I got to the checkout station and hadn’t realized I had already picked up all my groceries I was just chillin and zoned out lol. I also used this in the coming days at work and what I noticed was that people treated me so professional (like in a polite & respectful way) and I noticed I could see how others truly felt it was like I was being empathetic without taking on their energy (happens when i’m around negative people) and all I could feel was genuine loving interactions with everyone. I am also feeling a lot more confident and I have knight Warrior mindset and play extreme confidence but this feels like a completely different kind of confidence. With knight & extreme confidence I feel more sure of myself and feel a need to take action but with this I feel love for everyone and that gives me a feeling of inner peace/confidence. Sorry for the long text I like to ramble when I’m excited lol but so far I am in love with this release and highly recommend for better interactions with others.


Is this perfect field to stop wife using disrespectful tone and words against husband?


Welcome @Msondur!
In the way I have experienced this field, it increases my self-respect and in turn people respect me more. Especially obvious with our condo board meetings hahah So I would say yes, it would :heart: :heart:


How beautiful! And that was no rambling, it was lovely to read :smiley:


I dont know if you are the husband or the wife here.

But in my opinion (take it or leave it of course)

If you are the husband… before trying to make the wife to respect you, ponder why she isnt respecting you.

Which btw is not something any one must in the name of anything. Respect is earned. Not demanded.

And should be expected only when we also give it. Freely, willingly.

So in combination to this field i strongly recommend you

Pure Magnetic Heart Coherence: New Release

To maybe create a space of loving communication where both parts talk about the real issue “why there is not respect or why she lost respect for me”

If the wife is simply treating you bad when you actually treat her good and with respect then youd need this one for you before anything else

Self Respect

And this to build harmony in your home space

New Release: The Plasma Flower

If you are the wife, feeling like you are mistreating your husband then, check this post and you can find those audios on youtube and Patreon

Difference Between Become Whole and Self Love & Acceptance

And Anger Managment on youtuve as well (Sapien Medicine)



Thank you

I am sorry you going through this.

And i am sorry if i dug deeper to give you a further perspective, i never meant to be intrusive, just picking up a bigger issue so you can work from the root of the problem.

Yes torus weaved respect will help you with it.

And you are free to check the self respect thread i linked and see if youd like to add it too.

All the best

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Np, Thank you for your views and help. I purchased Torus Weaved respect a few minutes ago. Thanks


This field has been on my stack for 5 months along with selfrespect and I can really feel the changes…

Self respect worked in the relationships with my loved ones helping me to realize I have several harmful patterns, then made me work hard to change that and still does.

Torus weaved on the other hand didn’t work much on the relationships with my friends or family members just yet but for my interactions with strangers, I’m no longer cat called or harrased on the street, it came down to cero, now men have a polite or neutral attitude towards me and that’s it.

On a much nicer issue I wonder if it’s possible that children perceive the torus in a different way and it attracts them? (I also use the St Michael field and dont own any NFT). Or maybe I’m more open and they can feel it?

I’ve noticed that they approach to me a lot more, the funny thing is Im not a kids person, honestly I dont like them cause Im not patient and most of my experiences were with brats so I usually avoid them and they just dont come close at all. But now oftentimes when I’m in a public place and there’s kids around they come to me and start interacting in the sweetest and most respectful way like they knew me or something.

Like for example I was at a hospitals waiting room and a five years old was entering with his dad, he run directly to me, took my hand and told me excited “look at my car!!!” and showed me some pictures from a mobile, told me some stories of the trips with his family and asked me if I would go with him. How woud I reject that? They melt my heart and make my day!!! At first I thought It was a random thing or that these children were more assertive but such experiences just kept coming…

Living in a big city these new interactions have reduced my social anxiety while on public places and are making me change certain deeply rooted pre conceived ideas about people. I would change creeps for sweet children any day, great addition to my life.


yes i noticed that too, I didn’t have any disrespectful behaviour anyway and didn’t affect the people I already knew but people in a position of leadership or respect that are strangers to me feel more close to me. Like let’s say police officers that says goodmorning to me out of nowhere, that happened three times, or the major of my city (don’t know if it gets called that way) talked to me,or university teachers started to ask me more questions when I was in their classes.


I don’t know why? I played it twice and interpersonal conflict happened during playing the field in my phone.

Once, when I was driving, the driver next to me was so savage that he had to cut in front of me. No matter how I warned him, he didn’t take any notice. So I could only stop when the bison crossed the road…

The second time was when I went to the gym because the nucleic acid test was out of time(48 hours). No matter how I explained(just stay at home), I could not get in the gym.

It seems that this scene seems to have the opposite effect on me, not others respect me, but I respect others :upside_down_face:


Thank you for melting my own heart and making my day with your story.

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I kind of get that sometimes. With this specific field and with some others oriented around respect or dominance. Not that those are the same thing. But speaking of them both.

If people badly enough dislike the idea of respecting you then they’ll just fight harder against the vibe of the field. Free will baby.

Some people specifically dislike respectability. So becoming more respectable can make you less respected by them. Lots of different kinds of animals out there when it comes to “human”.


So this was quite an experience. My boss has been in Spain for 2 weeks, during those two weeks is when I basically went hard on sapiens audiofields and purchased maybe 15 paid audios. I’ve been specifically used torus weaved respect, unbreakable and knight/warrior mindset the past days while looping enigma jing, soul restoration and auric body repair overnight.

When he saw me he stared at me for a good 10 seconds before he could even open his mouth. I asked him whats wrong and he stuttered something I couldn’t even make sense of. That was slightly surreal.

That said, he was extremely nice to me (we’ve always had a good relation though). But, the most awkward thing is that all the other employers kept staring at me, looking at me, instead of him, even when he was talking. That made me feel uncomfortable/bad in a way due to the hierarchy. I don’t want to be the leader/boss in my workplace. I have my role. I like my role and I like my boss as well. So it almost sort of backfired in a way? I don’t know.

All in all, very surreal, but cool experience. I might have to cut down on the confidence/leader/respect fields a bit, haha.


These kind of effects can be a bit cringe and awkward if you are not used to them


I don’t mind the effect, i’m used to respect and being looked up to in various ways due to my previous work, and in particular my transformation when it comes to building my physical body from weighing 45kg at my worst (not even 100lbs). to 88kg.

It’s just that I don’t feel good making my boss “betafied” in lack of better words. I want my colleagues to listen to him, look at him and respect him when he talks. It’s the hierarchy and the order of our workplace.