Transcending 3D

What are the requirements to transcend 3D?

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some advanced people will have a more complete answer answer, but, the higher the dimension, the more love, compassion and non duality.


what do you mean by ā€œtranscending 3Dā€?

do you mean physically leave your body?

do you mean leaving the drama and suffering behind?

do you mean feeling good in your body and about your life?

if itā€™s the latter, i remember learning and practicing metta or loving-kindness to have really made me feel ā€˜aboveā€™ lifeā€™s stresses.


leaving the physical dimension.

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iā€™m only assuming, but this could get you started:

  • complete ego dissolution
  • let go of all desires and attachments
  • live every waking moment towards the service of others

iā€™m probably wrong, but letā€™s see what others have to say. edit: also as there are many ways of entering this physical dimension, there are also many ways of leaving. choose the ones that benefit yourself and others.

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Astral travel and death


As long as we encapsulated in the human body, we are 3d. Thereā€™s only so far it can go. Of course, you can attain the rainbow body and a part of you will be in the higher dimensions while a part of you still here (something like that, not sure thatā€™s 100% accurate). That being saidā€¦ thatā€™s a very, very difficult thing to accomplish in this life and the kind of dedication and will to achieve it is beyond what you might be interested in doing. Like, years out in the mountain alone kind of dedication.

But yeah, astral travel is definitely the way to experience other frequencies of reality while still being human.


I have a separate questions, do we carry on our personalities after death? What happens if someone died very depressed would he have to heal in the realm we go to after death (I think itā€™s the astral realm), or just be in the waiting line to reincarnate into a body?

To get your answers you need to read many books about NDEs and Astral Travel and watch videos from the IANDS, Monroe Institute etc.

PS: Yes, you are keeping your personality

PPS: A good lecture for total beginners:

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PPPS: If you want ultimate proof for life after death you need to achieve at least a few fully conscious astral projections.