Transmutation and Microcosmic Orbit

This is on Energetic Alchemy, but the thing is that I sometimes need to use my phone to play the audios and don’t have access to internet sometimes, so I can’t just play from spotify or youtube. Is it somewhere on Patreon where I missed? I do see a Transmutation one, but it is part 6 of internal alchemy, which might be a different version.

Reason is because I want to do this stack, but can’t seem to do it because I don’t have an offline version of this wav/mp3…

  • Hakuin Healing Egg (bring down energy to the LDT and fill it up)
  • Soul Restoration Core (repair the LDT)
  • Jing audio (fill up Jing to prepare it for transmutation)
  • Transmutation and Microcosmic Orbit <-- Not available in audio format :frowning: (can I download it off Youtube and keep it effective?)

By looping this stack, it seems like it might create a really synergistic and restorative process. Energy goes down (inverting Kan and Li, fire below water), LDT is restored to make a good cauldron, Jing fills up in the cauldron, Jing-to-chi sublimation with the last audio. Then the cycle repeats.

Also, if you have enough transmuted, you could technically add a field after which may require shen/chi, like mental fields (mindset audios, etc).

I find that SR Core and Jing helps me regain strength and energy after a crazy workday where I am up and about for over 10 hours straight handling relentless calls, colleagues, bosses, patients, etc. I’m just trying to find something that would really shorten the restoration process so I have more energy to actually feel alive after a workday.

Cheers and thank you once again to all you awesome people _/|_


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