True purpose of ourself in the physical plane

I have just read a book regarding a monk. The book shares the experiences of him and how he turned into a monk from a normal young adult.

I have just read few initial chapters of the book. In which he stated that how he was taught about religious beliefs as everyone of us, and how he started to think different, that there are no religions or particular religious beliefs. He started not to become atheist but became a person who thinks everything is a single Universal consciousness. His idea is not accepted by friends and family. He left his family and as he is different he wanted to leave this physical plane. So he tried to commit suicide, but before that stopped and watched a tv show which was actually running. That part changed his life to become a monk and find the like minded people and help others.

He says that was his true purpose, to become a monk and teach and show love and help the humans to improve themselves spritually.

My question to the experienced person in this forum, does a point where a person unware of his true destiny, but here for a specific purpose, who understands that he is trapped in physical world and wishes to leave it once and for all, is actually the starting point of finding their true pupose in physical plane?

Is that the point where the benevolent or the higher beings or the universal guardians start to guide us in our right path?

I am asking this because I have already seen two people saying this while they had the suicidal thought, “they wanted to leave the physical plane”. And this monk is the third one who had the same experience, who happened to say the same phrase.


Another Michael mandala…?

Aaaaah! He’s taking over!!



Confidence bro.

You’d be surprised how many “hidden” character traits we have that our sneaky 5D self has programmed us with pre-birth.

Y’know, it has acess to the subconscious and all…

Most of those traits will never come to the surface because limiting beliefs/lack of confidence.

I read on the other day on a semen retention subreddit, how someone was doing poorly, but after like a month or two of retaining, “all of a sudden” he landed a six figure job.

Yeah, that “all of a sudden” is that persons higher self.

What does semen retention do for most? Confidence.


Stop it before I fall in love.


Aight…Time to loop unstoppable will.



Yes and no.

Lemuria, Atlantis, etc…?

Very physical, yet paradise.

I think most people not being satisfied with life has more to do with ego, than soul.

Certain souls however have experienced paradise on earth, and that can manifest as a desire for things to be…“different”.

I prefer to call it original.

This isnt how were supposed to live.


@angelblessings Yes you are the fourth person now I can count on. I can really relate what you have said. Thank you very much for sharing this experience. This is a kind of reply I was expecting.

@Samurai Thank you. I was always confident right from my birth. I always felt that suicide is a coward’s act. Even under extreme difficulties I was confident and accepted it.

Also you seem to be one of the 3 person I mentioned. Who actually opened out to say the phrase, " I am ready to leave this physical plane"

@Septimus Yes. Edgar Cayce is a person somewhat related to the monk I said. Just very little.

And also we are actually not trapped here. There are people who are far more experienced like Dalai Lama who repeatedly incarnated several times to take the same position, in the monastery. To guide his followers. Same happens on other parts of the world were several strong souls incarnate here not to get trapped, but atleast to suffer, but also to help the fellow humans. I feel no one is trapped here, even if they don’t realize the stuffs going around them, as everyone know what is the process to leave this plane. Death.

I still need some of the opinions or stories from @SammyG @_OM and if possible at one point, from @Captain_Nemo . I hope OM might have sensed from where this question might have arise. Also who ever had any of these experiences, kindly share them as well.


I believe, as many hermetics do, this is the alchemical world.

In the astral sphere of creation, which unfortunately is where most will find themselves upon leaving the physical world, time/space is much “slower” if you will. For those more versed in these subjects, forgive my generalizations. Trying to prevent this from being an essay (;

In the alchemical world, spiritual growth can occur at rates you would not see in the astral, mental or higher planes. If life-extension technology would ever become available, the only reason I’d bother extending my stay is to reap further alchemical benefits. Though time takes its toll, and a longer lifespan also means an increased probability to polarize negatively.

I’ve read that divine union (the individual self [not ego or primary higher self] merging with the greater self (beyond the higher self, with a direct line to unity or kether)) can only take place in this world. The alchemical world.

In the physical anatomy, all subtle layers (astral, mental, etc) seem to be connected in a particular way where the conditions of this universe can work together to provide the perfect experience for evolution.

So to connect everything…

I would believe that the purpose of being in the physical plane is to reap these benefits to their highest, greatest and utmost refined capacity.

Some would say the purpose of the physical plane is for it to merely exist. Like a symphony, the point is the music. There is no destination, the point is just to experience. Much like immersing in a video game world.

But- if the alchemical world concept is true (be it true or false, we all have an instinctive drive for bridging the gap between who we are now and our highest potential. Regardless of fears and pains, we all seem to share this instinct, and I see no harm in following it. I’ve read some call it the “primal instinct to return to the Source in which we came” - even if the goal is self improvement without anything spiritual, once you reach your self development goals and seek greater heights, spiritual pursuits become inevitable for continued evolution) then I’d say merely watching life go by is a waste of such a grand opportunity.

Also consider we have access to things our ancestors would likely never have access to thanks to the internet and potentially higher self guidance to particular things. It’s easy for us to think of this as normal, but imagine you lived 500 years ago and got 1/100 of the information you have now. Say law of attraction. You’d take action. Most people today are subject to information hoarding and consuming self-help and spiritual content as “infotainment”. Abundance has its costs on the psyche, in that an undisciplined mind is likely to derp in the presence of abundance.

So I think 2 perspectives are useful with all that said.

  1. Live each day in a way that would make the you at the end of the day smile.
  2. Live your entire life in a way that would make the you on your deathbed smile.

In a pragmatic and practical way, evolving even just 1% each day, you’ll get the most out of the alchemical world you can.

The alchemy I am refering to is the refinement of your character and inner being (they are not the same- you can refine your character to perfection but it doesn’t mean your inner being is directly developed).

Part of this is your perception. Returning from a mind that seeks meaning to an innocent mind, or a ZEN mind. Innocent mind is found in “a course in miracles” I believe, but from what I gather “ZEN mind” is the same. It’s purity of perception.

Saying you are trapped in the physical world is based upon information gathered in which you currently lack the means to verify/debunk. You may feel trapped, but that is a feeling. Feeling trapped does not mean the physical body and world are prisons. You may be trapped within your own psychological prison, but that is not the world or the physical makeup of the universe working to sabotage your quality of life.

You have to be very careful with what you “learn” and must always be open to the idea it may be wrong. Even my findings in which I’ve shared now, I’m always open to the possibility none of it is true and we’re all just slightly evolved apes trying to feel more special about ourselves.

“I don’t know” is the mark of true wisdom if you ask me.
But from what I’ve gathered, my personal experiences, and my interpretations of said experiences, this is what I contribute to this topic.

Whoops- became an essay anyway RIP


A very good explanation. Something to know. But this post is regarding the question I emphasized.

But please keep the explanation. It might be helpful for someone reading this post in future.

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It’s called the “Dark Night of the Soul” and one can have several on one’s spiritual path.
In everyday language, many call it “hitting rock bottom”.

The ego has such a stranglehold on most people that they don’t start or fully surrender to their “Higher Self” even for a little bit, until they’ve reached a point where they have nowhere else to go because the Ego has run out of “answers.”

Btw - it’s totally avoidable and not “needed” at all, but for many, it’s absolutely needed and unavoidable…lol if that makes sense.


Yes I do understand from your explanation that it is like hitting the rock bottom. Where the Ego is out of answers.

But what about this?


It’s the point where one starts actually listening to them instead of ignoring them. They were/are always there.


You either mean the higher Self? or the Beings or guardians?


Yes. :wink:


So people who are serious in spiritual development, will go to that extent before listening to the higher self or beings. It’s like being with the ego, but away from it strong grasp. Understood.

If you are open to share, did you had such time in your life? :slight_smile:

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@Roi In regards to the monk, seems like in facing death, he practically let go of his ego at that moment. In that moment of ego death, he experienced clarity. In that clarity, he knew what he truly wanted to do. The purpose he realized, was probably something he always knew he wanted to do but because of his conditioning over the years, he might have forgotten, never fully realized, or doubted himself, ext…

Also, oftentimes the higher self has its way of leading people through certain experiences to come to these realizations. In darkness, light shines brightest.

As for wanting to die to be a starting point… I wouldn’t say that. It just comes down to deconditioning the ego over time, so that your purpose becomes clear as day to you. Your purpose is clear to the true self that is currently overshadowed by the ego. The reason why the monk and others with near death experiences or even people on a big dose of psychedelics get these huge realizations is due to ego death. That moment of clarity is a doorway to truth.

Wanted to mention that it also varies as well. There are some people whose purpose is to help people and they are about to kill themselves and some beings step in. So there isn’t 1 answer for everything. The ego death example might be a common one but not always the case.

Also, I think everyone here is quite intelligent and have a lot of great wisdom to share. Their wisdom’s as good as mine. Remember that :wink:


Think I just experienced one without realising it. Strangely it was related to one of these “earthly problems” I was unable to overcome. There was not a single friend or family member who could relate to my suffering. Not even my father who usually understands me deeply. Literally wanted to put a bullet through my brains but then I knew the suffering would continue even after my physical death so what was the point?

That realisation that no one else can help you but you is bitter sweet. Could either be the best thing in the world or the worst nightmare. Duality.