@Roi In regards to the monk, seems like in facing death, he practically let go of his ego at that moment. In that moment of ego death, he experienced clarity. In that clarity, he knew what he truly wanted to do. The purpose he realized, was probably something he always knew he wanted to do but because of his conditioning over the years, he might have forgotten, never fully realized, or doubted himself, ext…
Also, oftentimes the higher self has its way of leading people through certain experiences to come to these realizations. In darkness, light shines brightest.
As for wanting to die to be a starting point… I wouldn’t say that. It just comes down to deconditioning the ego over time, so that your purpose becomes clear as day to you. Your purpose is clear to the true self that is currently overshadowed by the ego. The reason why the monk and others with near death experiences or even people on a big dose of psychedelics get these huge realizations is due to ego death. That moment of clarity is a doorway to truth.
Wanted to mention that it also varies as well. There are some people whose purpose is to help people and they are about to kill themselves and some beings step in. So there isn’t 1 answer for everything. The ego death example might be a common one but not always the case.
Also, I think everyone here is quite intelligent and have a lot of great wisdom to share. Their wisdom’s as good as mine. Remember that