Trying to buy NFT but it's requires token

Hey man, thank you for your response but I did not understand, can you please help?

So what that means is I have to buy the nautilus nft first and then I can try to unlock it, if I win I can get access to 95% discount but if a kraken appears I lose it, but I can only use it once, correct?

Yes. You have 20% chance of getting Nautilus. That discount works only on 8 items though. You can find them in a thread


Yes that was clear but do you think it’s worth taking the risk?

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Also, what if you get kraken then that specific part is not useful right, I mean do it have any properties?

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Well, I don’t know really. If your financial situation is good, then I think it’s worth a try. If you won’t get it from 1st or 2nd try, then stop at the right time, don’t buy more and more
Kraken is useless, sadly

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Hahahah, I don’t really wanna take any risks as of now, thinking about buying the astrologically inclined NFT for a friend of mine, do you have any idea on how to use it?

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There are many ways of using NFTs. You can print it the mandala (with keeping proportions) and have it near you all the time so the field works passively.
Astrologically Inclined has Amplify and Nullify Planetary and Astrological Effects in it, so I would recommend meditating or simply looking at the mandala every morning and every night before sleep so the effect from the field help you during the day.


So simply looking at it and asking it to help nullify malefic effect of any planet would do? :thinking:
Or I can open it on a laptop screen and sit in front of it or perhaps sleeping would help?

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The field is smart so I think that part is not needed, tho you can try to experiment and let us know!

You can print it, keep it open on screen of phone/laptop or any other device (keep in mind the mandala shouldn’t be cut). The field will work the same. Although, if I were you I would just print it and keep it near me instead of using it from devices. It’s more convenient for every-day usage I think

You can try, but I think it won’t boost the effects of the field


Thank you so much for your kind information, typically, how long do you think I shall sit in front of it everyday?
I was thinking of using this first and then using the other NFT I have, as my planets are pretty malefic in my chart so I usually don’t get effects like other people do, so hence using this one…

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Few minutes are usually enough to get all the effects if you also use the field passively (have printed mandala or it opened on phone).

Yep, it should help with it!

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Thank you, I got it now, anyways I opened it on my laptop and I am sitting in front of it as I am talking to you, I have a mild headache suddenly, could it be because of the NFT?

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Yep, take a break if it feels overwhelming

Sure sure, I will keep you posted if you would like to know, I bought the nabgraha homam last year and now this, really gonna solve the misalignment of my planets and become a better human being and help the ones in need

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My vibrations are really freaking high right now, feels like I could power a whole Tesla :joy::joy::joy::joy:

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Not many people share their experiences in public threads so if you decide to keep us updated in the original thread of this NFT, it will be amazing.


I just did, please check.

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Also if u have a headache, start drinking more water, it helps and is recommended for some of the possible mild side effects of u getting used to the field…


Or it could be because of the intense workout you just had. (Remember, find explanations that talk you into what you want, rather than out of what you want.)