I’ve seen a few Sapien accounts on Twitter, as well as a Sapien.org website. Enlightened States is the official Sapien Medicine website. What’s all this other stuff?
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sapien_medicine and https://twitter.com/sapienmedicine
and the Sapien Shop website.
Sapien.org also sells “Tribe” memberships for $29.00 a month
The blog at sapien.org/blog is a bit of a mess (screenshot)
Thanks for any clarification you can provide.
Legit or not, it’s a different organization from Sapien Medicine and Enlightened States. It doesn’t seem they are claiming to be Sapien Medicine.
OK thanks, it was a bit confusing for a newcomer like me.
Understandable. The word “Sapien” doesn’t get used a ton.
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Welcome to the forum!
“Sapien” is a fairly common term, particularly among certain scientific circles. “Sapien Medicine,” the maker of these fields and the host of this forum, doesn’t own a trademark on that common word. So, you’re (as you have already discovered) going to see a variety of different organizations legitimately using that common word.
When you discover these organizations, you’ll have to do a little more digging. As our friend @Atreides has pointed out, that website is a different business from these fields.
AFAIK, Sapien Medicine is not on Twitter. I certainly don’t recall seeing any links from any of the official sites* to Twitter.
*Official site: enlightenedstates.com
Official Sales sites:
Thanks. The Twitter accounts are newish, started this summer. They link back to thesapienshop.com and enlightenedstates.com There are no ongoing tweets.
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