Trying to find my suitable mandala

Can i wear mandala when listen to field? my room is so small so i hope it work

Both the mandalas and the audio fields are working on your aura, so in my case, I don’t wear the luck one whenever I listen to the audio fields just to be sure I receive the benefits of the audio faster, stronger. It may still work for you if you wear one and listen to a field simultaneously but the results might be slowed down. You can decide and try combining them and observe if there are results.

thank you. Because my table is so small. And then i have to leave my wallet about 2ft distance from me. Then i put my phone beside me to me. I hope it work lol. I will listen for the whole year without change

You may find it weird but if you want to kick-start your bike if you feel you have to do something however you find yourself unable to do it listen to hope & happiness field I guess it is free to download
I am saying this as there was Sanskrit subhashit which I read in my school

आशा नाम मनुष्याणां काश्चिदाश्चर्यशृङ्खला |
यया बद्धा प्रधावन्ति मुक्तास्तिष्ठन्ति कुत्रचित्

It means hope is a such kind of chain if the person is bound to it keeps on running & the person who is free from it stays at the same place like a lame person

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Ok to combine Queen of wands with the King of wands?

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What an exciting question!!! You know?

Queen Of Wands and King of Wands :red_circle: , I wouldnt use it as just as “mandala”

I would call The King Of Wands Experience :fire: or Queen Of wands Experience :boom:.

With this , i mean you can wear both , but if you want Akira’s opinion , i would stick only with 1 of those.

Depending on what are you trying to accomplish , and of course how the energy affects to you , the energy + your energy ( an unique combination) .


hmm how about i will use the king of wand, and for my wife the queen of wand

Just be aware of this:

its the “experience” of King or Queen of wands mandala , may come with some changes or different manner of viewing life different than yours .

From what i can tell you , its a transformative experience because you learn to see things as a different “person” .

Those 2 are my favorites .

:warning:Beware with Alpha Male behaviours , because you are now a King :fire: :crown:


Can you please explain what you’re meaning when you talk about “The ______ Experience”? What is it? How does it differ from "…just as ‘mandala’ "? How do you go about creating “The ______ Experience”?

Thanks in advance for your help.


so you mean to say, if i count “safety” , its best to use the queen???

For the king, the part that interest me is the help coming from others.(from my understanding) I didnt know that there will be side effect from “alpha males”

Oh yes , i mean all mandalas bring experiences , but its not like other mandalas like "Draw luck mandala " (powerful one ) "Confidence and fear release "

what i was trying to explain :

You are able to see the world as the King of Wands.

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You need to experience it , i mean you behaving like an alpha male .

The Pure fire masculine energy can lead to that .


thanks for clearing that up, I thought, since i will be a “king” , other “alpha males” may want to take the throne from me

lastly, for my wife, the queen is OK for her to use, right??

Yes ! its perfectly fine , but also she can use the King too… Or both can use the Queen .

Its energy , its Power .

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thank you so much for your input :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

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Hi man, not really a mandala You could also try adding Attract Wealth, Abudance and Prosperity audio to Your stack, to adress the unemployment issue.
Also having money is a huge confidence boost as well as stress and anxiety reducer.
Audio is only about 10minutes long and helped me drastically, so perhaps give it a try.
Also remember its only getting better from now on, once You survived worse times its only possibility for it to get better.
You can do it man, We believe in You


Hey,anyone here.
I want to give different mandalas to my family members for there uses,like health luck and positive impact, Michael, draw luck,the upright queen , productivity and horseshoe luck for myself
Do you think they will collided with each other??
Also I waana put Empathetic shielding no the front of my door,like the entrance of my house.
Is it a good idea???
Any suggestions improvements will be really helpful.
Thank you

Like im guessing all of you live in the same household and you are asking because of the proximity between you guys wearing/carrying different mandalas?

No, dont worry

Well this more to use on yourself to shield yourself

If youd like to protect your home maybe you can create a Dragon and teach it how to protect the house and for what (it takes time for the Dragon to grow and learn what you teach it but once it learns its really helpful)

Type “dragon golem” on the searching bar and youll see a lot of threads talking about it how to create it, train it etc.

If you want to feel protected at home like no intrusive energies etc and thats why you want to try that approach, then i guess you can just carry the shielding mandala with you instead of trying for the whole house.

If you can/want to buy something to help you with that, try

Vaastu Homam

It harmonizes the whole house really nice.

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Hey thank you so much,for the in depth detail.
Yes we all stay together now because of COViD .
I will check the dragon for sure.
About the purchase item I will look into it later
Cause I waana use these all first but he’s for house might take it for sure, lately experiencing some disturbance and lots of loud voices ( I personally have it ) talk are happening.