Two fields made me feel like i am out of love for someone

I looped essence of mantras and tap into collective conciousness 4 or 5 times, for two days because i wanted to stop my overthinking and needed answers and now i dont feel enough love for this one person. I cant even seem to remember why, when and how i fell for this person. This seemed to happen right after i listened to these fields. Not before that. Can someone tell why this happened?


Hello :slight_smile:

Welcome to the forum.

Before i give you my sincere opinion, i want to know if you are right now in a calm mental and emotional state to read different points of views?

Im asking you this because i am very empathetic and can feel a kind of distress from you about your experience and i wouldnt like to exacerbate it.

On the contrary i would like to help you understand what might had happened :)

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Hello kind soul, thank you :heart:

Your intuition is spot on!! I am indeed a little distressed rn about this whole situation. but I am totally okay with reading different views!

Id be grateful if you could share your insight on this :sob:

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Good! Ok

I dont know what type of relationship you have or for how long but it doesnt matter, what you felt or are feeling is normal, tho unpopular and def can push you out of the curve.

I am not going to tell you Love is this and that because that would be absolutely irresponsible and disrespectful. We each feel love in a different way and no matter the circumstances within your story, if you feel it, and call it love, then its love for you.

But what happens with any kind of love and relationship we experience in this human form, is that unfortunately (but fortunately too ;) you just cant see it now) it comes with a set of self imposed or other peoples imposed “must” "do’s and dont’s"and if the love/relationship does not meet that criteria then its not love!

All those must have and donts come from the ego, the collective one and our personal one, attached/put over in and around the simple, pure love the essence of love does not have any of those criterias, the minute it acquires one, its not pure love.

So what happened to your love?

Maybe it wasnt pure love… wait wait… breath… we will analyze it all step by step, accept my comments with a lighted heart because difficult as it is saying this, its with the upmost compassion towards your heart, mind and story.

The audios that you played specially on loop raise your vibration high high, and when we are high up there… there is no ego.


to the other/from the other, to the outcome, to the future, to endless demonstrations etc etc

The expectations of love we have all grown up hearing and watching around are high and silly.

We grow up believing that a real love has to match hollywood type of love stories or else… its not real love

We believe that real love is feeling lost just with the idea of not being with that person one day, the real love should kinda hurt and give us anxiety if we think all the possible negative scenarios, should make us feel empty when we are far from each other, and full when we are back together again.

Feeling butterflies with just a message, hot, exited, life is beautiful when we finally hesr from the person that owns our heart.

Exactly there : OWNS OUR HEART.

Thats where the first symptom you felt comes from.

When we vibrate high we are whole, and thats because we reel back in the energy of our heart, we get it back and put right on its place.

Up there in the high ends the ego has no place, so = no attachments, no expectations.

And most of all, you are whole.

Without needs, without crutches, completely alone just with yourself and being one with everything but not attached to anything.

So, what you felt is normal.

What comes next is where the hard part is.

Coming to the realization of what really is the connection you have? What is it based on, if the love was primarly pure, then you would have felt a higher love, Unconditional love towards your special person, a deeper stream of warm light coming from you towards that person.

But again, i dont know your story that is for you to find out.

Because also just in general, reaching a very high vibration would just cut any attachments, ideas, must dos and donts etc so it would be still be normal.

Ask yourself what is love for you?
How do you believe there isnt anymore?

Where do you feel “love” that has disappeared?
How love according to you should feel?

When we love with a high love we are happy just because that person exist, no matter where it is, or if you havent heard from them, or if you dont feel a knot in the stomach and empty chest because they arent close to you, hugging and kissing. We still feel the streaming light exuding from your heart towards that person just because the person exists and you came across him/her in this life, and in the absence of that person you dont find yourself in negative thoughts but in positive ones, looking forward to grow through that love, to experience higher and better love, and you think about it with excitement and child like anticipation.

I will strongly recommend you to read 2 books, they are very short in fact not the whole book but just a few chapters.

The 1st one is The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran (the part about what love is) that will give you a deeper idea of what real, pure love is.

The 2nd book is “The Little Prince” the Rose and the Fox Chapters. Those will show you how an ego love feels like.

But most important, be gentle with yourself and the person you believe you used to love
Take it easy, also play some loops of automated grounding just to help you get back to earth lol not to hook to the comfort zone… i mean its up to you of course.

But if you do choose to go back to the place you used to know… never forget the discomfort being high up brought to you.

It has a lot of information and meanings i, myself or anyone else could ever give you.

Best of luck in the new journey that just opened up in front of you.


This was beautiful, thank you.

I saved it in my notebook


Interesting. I am in the same situation. But I listened to Voc thrice in two days. I too feel like that i dont want anything to do with that specific person. Although, i must admit, i was worried about our relationship but now I’m free of that worry and in a state of idc.


If you only listened to essence of mantras…I don’t trust making decisions after listening to collective consciousness and asking it about a personal thing.

You need to get clear about the relationship, that’s all. Feelings come and go.

If you are ok with them being out of your life for real (again feelings come and go, you can only know after you experience it), then you can let go of them.

I had doubts about a relationship and after using a field to try to get clarity she broke up with me. And the doubts stopped there and she came right back.

Relationships also need work and need both to evolve and stay on a somewhat similar level. As you work through your issues the other person will be forced to. And same the other way around.


Thank You for this detailed answer @Lunamoon22 filled with timeless wisdom…could you please recommend your Top 5 or Top 10 Free fields and Paid Fields for raising our vibrations and keeping it there ?

I will be grateful for your pointers :innocent:

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Sure. Ill get bk to this a little later. But ill message you about it to not hijack the OPs post here

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from the energy point of vue, what happened is that the energies from your Swadisthana chakra (sexual energies, dealing with sexual attraction and libido), and those from your Anahata chakra (the heart chakra), together with those from your other lower chakras, all got sublimated (raised their frequency and ascended to your higher chakras) by those highly spiritual and raising vibrations fields.
That left you with less energy on the lower chakras, so rebuilding energy maybe will bring those love feelings back if they were real.
What you can do is replenish your energy on those specific chakras and on all chakras with the correspondent fields from the Mandelbrot Symphony , or do asanas (Hatha yoga postures for the specific chakras), use the jing and chi fields, Minor Blueprint of Power etc, and also have good nutrition for the body.


What’s voc ?

Vibration of Creation


Thank you

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What were your questions?

It’s actually a pretty interesting result you got…