Type 2x Muscle - Fat Burn Field Request

This is something that helped me completely change my body composition and since then has allowed me to maintain my body in a better shape with no effort.

I learned this through Dr. Ted Naiman where he explains how to do High-Intensity Training (not HIIT) with calisthenics. The way I did it was by doing Pyramid sets where I would do 1 rep, pause 2 seconds, 2 reps, pause, 3 reps… etc. Until I got to the highest number I could, putting everything I got, and then finally holding the most tasking position for 10 seconds. It is painful but the results are wondrous because it builds Type 2x Muscle which is the most metabolic expensive in your body. The workouts were literally 8-15 minutes because after one set per muscle you were completely burnt out. I lost 25lbs in a month with a combination of dry fasting and a low carb diet.

Edit: I was also using Cardarine and Stenabolic.

Here’s a small video by Dr.Ted Naiman explaining more:


@Captain_Nemo, maybe you can research a bit more into it and do a combination of this with the Fat genetic advantage?

Thought of this as I’m beginning the process again and had the inkling to suggest it here.

Edit: Can’t find the proper before but after a month and 25lbs and making sure I still had good strength, I got like this:

And then covid happened so I got lazy…


Man get back to it! You looked good man, don’t stop!


Your Ascended-ness (bows in reverence), you blessed me with a compliment, I shall go hard at it again.

Haha thanks bro, yeah as I got clear with everything else I’m ready to get my body back in top shape.



That was funny haha I’ll bless you with +10000 muscle cells for making me laugh lol

That’s awesome bro I’m glad to hear it! this time around you’re more experienced and you got sapien, time to make that old progress pic unrecognizable!


Say less fams!

Putting those straight to my quads to make the fat loss even faster!


This quote right here, combined with my currently playing YK11 & Stenabolic stack, and suddenly I’m seriously missing the surge of hormones after a really intense squats/leg press session.

I think I miss the gym…huh. Yeah, didn’t think that’d happen.
