Ulnar Wrist Pain for more than 7 months

Hello everyone. I have had this ulnar wrist pain since December. This happened from bicep curling in the gym. Have any of you had this happen to you? To anyone who is confused, I specifically have the pain in my left outer wrist. There are certain things when I do them it would hurt. But generally speaking it doesn’t hurt.

Is there a frequency that actually heals this fully? The wrist is one of the worst places for injury.

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I suggest the stem cells scar tissue audio, combined with all the energy practices and Reiki. Also, use ALL the intercession audios and ask any entity who can and will help you to heal your wrist, and to conceptually share with you ideas on how to improve your health.

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Keeping saying I’m gonna do a write up on it… but in the meantime,

After Workout Recovery seems to wonders for bodily pains and general healing.
Loops as many times as needed


So I am doing exactly that stem cells scar tissue audio. Here is the interesting part. Despite me being only around 135 lbs, I still felt something going on in my left wrist. My left wrist was throbbing. I was feeling some sort of pain. I guess it’s already working?


That’s interesting that this video would work for this injury I have. Here is the thing. I was planning on using this video when I am going back to the gym after the number of cases drop a lot in my area. I sure as hell miss the gym :frowning:

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Try it now.
I have plantar fasciitis and it has been remarkable in removing the pain within minutes and seems to be slowly healing it overall.


Here is the thing. I did use this video after the upper body workout video however this muscle recovery video actually did not help my wrist one bit.

okie dokie.
Along with stem cells as recommended which is just always part of my stacks,
Also try

This healed a old shoulder injury I’d had for 20 years in a couple nights.


Also forgot

which you can use on your self.