Ultimate List of Morphic Field Stacks

Between audios from the same stack no, from stack to stack yes rest a couple of hours so the energy of the previous audios can integrate and settle deeper while avoiding overwhelming your body and energy systems


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Can anyone recommend a stack or playlist for cleansing

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Energy Body / Aura Deep Clearing Cleaning

The Exorcism Rite version 2.0

Etheric Cord Cutter

The Energetic Salt Cleanse

The Bushman Medicine

Divine purge (psychic university)

All free🙂


How many times should I listen to them if I combo them? And thanks for the recommendation really appreciate it

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2x or more each but aura cleanse is 30 mins already so that can be 1 or move

Shielding 3.0 would be a good purchase to prevent the need for clearing. For me it feels like I’m in a bubble it’s very nice in busy public spaces.

Shielding 3.0

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Okay thank you very much. I am new to NFTs and don’t know what they are and how they work. I am using Maitreya fields DM though but I am not sure about the NFTs. Can you tell me your experience about which NFTs you are using and how they are working for you it would help

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I have 4 NFTs and they all work wonders.
Some NFTs do a lot of different things so may take longer to see results in certain areas.

They come with audios as well so you can carry the printed NFT around and listen to the audio when ever you wish.

Official NFT Buying/Selling Thread
Have a look here at all the NFTs that are for sale

Hope this helps🙂


Let’s say I purchase an NFT attract love on the shop and keep the image in the folder will it work 24/7 in the background for me or do I have to see the image or listen to the audio?

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Best off printing it off and carrying with you all day then keep away at night and play the audio a few times a day

But I do believe once you own it the NFT is connected to your consciousness but still would say print out.

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guys do you have anything in mind like an update to study for exam/achieve goals/brain power/studying?!🥲

In addition to the stack mentioned above you can also add this:


If you didn’t already it’s good to review Big results - 2 years of using (Brain Stack) - #175 by Dr_Manhattan post and all the ones that link to it.


thank you so much!

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no i haven’t come across that until now!! thank you so much!! i’ll review it fully

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You are welcome. There are more posts delving into details on free stacks, it’s good to read this one as well Superhuman genius users read this!


you’re so kind with me again i really appreciate your replies

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Still new hear. Thank you so much for this list.

Do the paid fields ever move to free fields?

Hi there @mygirlauren!

Here are some links to help you with the forum: FAQ Collection for Newcomers - Welcome - Sapien Medicine

Welcome Chang'e

@mygirlauren This thread was created about two and a half years ago. Since then there have been many many fields created, both free and paid. If you will state what your interests are the people answering your questions can be more specific to your needs. Once you have looked at the information given you can ask a more specific question by creating your own thread here: Ask for Advice - Sapien Medicine

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