Ultimate Reiki - Star Exercise Meditation

Ok, let’s talk benefits!

  • Expand and widens one’s energy systems and chakras
  • Increase one’s awareness and sensitivity to Universal Life Energy(ULE)/Prana/Ch’i, etc.
  • Awaken and promote a healthy Kundalini awakening.
  • Clear sinuses and stuffy noses during allergies and colds
  • Allow one to have a constant source of ULE at one’s disposal by simply saying the affirmation.
  • With time, there is no need to say the affirmation, just visualizing or intending the energy flowing activates it.
  • This exercise done consistently over time is the original “Ascension” field. *See below

*I read a very very very rare book from the 1800s where the Enlightened author claimed that THIS was the only exercise/meditation needed to reach Enlightenment. He basically said, that over time one’s energy pathways would grow, chakras would grow, thereby increasing one’s consciousness, etc as one was able to handle more and more energy…
Sound familiar?
It should, because that’s exactly the same path that the Ascension field takes.

So many here wonder how I am so “sensitive” to Sapien’s fields.
I believe this exercise plays a major role in that.

Many seem to want to be a Super Saiyan here.

Well, this is the path to that…

Now let’s see if those same people want to make the commitment necessary for those “powers” or will they complain “it takes too long :confounded:” : :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Recommended exercise schedule coming soon…