UltraPsionics 1.0 Spell Caster

Do you find these audio really effective? Will you continue to buy their new audio? Do you think they work energetically? Or do they contain spells? Or subliminal affirmation?

Yes I have been lucky several times by putting sapien de chance audios in the file.But for me, the priority right now is sapien, because there are many beautiful novelties which are very interesting and very powerful, without counting the course to come.So I won’t buy anything at the moment, but maybe in the future.
PS: There aren’t a lot of things I want out there, because sapiens already covers almost everything that is possible and unimaginable, and sapien products work.


I don’t know if this has been resolved already (I am reading through this topic right now) but I wanted to leave a word of caution here anyway:
What makes Dreamweaver one of the very few energy workers I accept is the fact that he connects matter with pure energetic concepts- this is very rare because, as you can see, not everyone does that. You have to know what you are doing when you choose to run one of these products (especially the radionics). You’re actually invoking demons to help you with your bidding.

I’ll repeat that again: You are calling for demons to achieve your desire.
Don’t believe me? Here is a link to the keys of Solomon https://www.chaosmatrix.org/library/books/greaterkey/greaterkey_pentacles.pdf
You will see that the pentacles desribed on the website are from this book. This book is an old magical work, no actually a manual on how to call demons.

I hate to be the party pooper but I think you should know that before you go ahead and do it.
There are people who say it is okay to use it for good intentions and stuff but comeon… I think you (the one reading this) know it is bs. If you want to shape your reality according to your wishes, learn how to manifest, use Sapien’s fields, learn how to create fields on your own etc. etc. but please stay away from invoking entities. There is no good in that.


The reason why he says that is because he has constructed them in a way which uses so much brain capacity that it focusses completely on the goal. At least in theory. You will notice that most subliminal producers don’t do that to allow more flexibility

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I’m a little confused. What does King / Prophet Solomon have to do with calling upon demons?

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Read the book I have linked. It is claimed that King Solomon received and used the pentacles, but is this really true? We know that many sources report King Solomon was a very powerful magician but noone states what he actually did. It is very possible that he did something similar what Dreamweaver does now. That would be something completely different than using pentacles to invoke demons, wouldn’t it?
Just think for a second: Would the mighty and wise King Solomon, who is in God’s favor use pentacles to get what he wants?

If he is in direct contact with God, he would just ask God to give it to him, just as Jesus of Nazareth teached. You will find no example for someone who is in God’s service using pentacles, neither in the texts in the bible nor in those that are not directly in the bible but linked to it, like the gnostic texts. So it is very unlikely King Solomon actually used these and it is even more unlikely those are godly gifts, as claimed in the book.

Furthermore, you just need to take a look at the book to see how absurde it is. The first demon King Solomon supposedly mentions in the book is Baal, and he calls him an archangel. Oddly enough, Baal was a very well known demon in the babylonian era and in the middle east area altogether. It was a demon worshipped as a god and people sacrificied him children.
Sounds like the perfect guy to ask for a favor, right?
The other demons mentioned in the books are similar. I don’t know what is up with the planets, but I think those use the power of ancient greek and roman gods, but I am not sure about it since I didn’t dug deeper into it yet.

So, whenever you see a creator who uses techniques and words you don’t understand, go ahead and do your own research before you use their products. I am glad I noticed something is off before I seriously used any of seductionmagicflow’s stuff and I don’t want anyone to make a mistake and suffer, that’s why I am very clear about it.


Thanks for your detailed response. I will read the book when i have time. I believe there are a lot of misconceptions about Solomon and a lot of things that have been attributed to him without proof. Of course we are thousands of years after his time period.


I myself only read it to the point where the (supposedly) archangels work schedule comes up to be honest.

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Actually I did not know it at that time. Now I know that the app uses / calls upon some form of entities and I have stopped using it.

Why do you say that radionics is also the same?

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I understand the part that the subliminal is constructed in a way to use a lot of brain capacity. Since you also make subliminals, what do you think? Can I use dreamweavers audio for physical change while at the same time using some subliminal for financial goal ?

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I don’t mean radionics in general, I mean the radionics offered by the website.
Since that is just what you used.

I don’t see any problem with that. Also, there is really no need to make a subliminal so demanding that you can’t use anything else. I always suggest using what gives you the most flexibility and what is most comfortable for you.

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Also you will know if your overworking your brain easily. You will be very exhausted from doing so. I personally ran subliminal-shop.com subliminals with other products. Sometimes i would experience the exhaustion but it’s not gonna harm you. If anything depending on how your brain works it may hinder your results. Some people actually claim his older technology to work better because it wasn’t jam packed with so much data in the subliminal. Who knows.


Actually I am using the Ultimate Monetary Success (UMS) from subliminal-shop for some months. I have seen some financial gains & changes in behaviour but I feel stuck in some places. I am listening to the following from sapien medicine: hair growth, skin regeneration, collagen booster and scar tissue.

I have seen progress in my skin so far. I may have sacrificed some success from the subliminal, I cannot tell.


What do you mean by that?

I feel it has the strength to move me in the right direction, but is not strong enough to break away all the things stopping me.


I see. Yes, I discovered we often times focus more on how to do more stuff to get us where we want to be instead of cutting away all the things that are holding us back


Hmm, is doing the exercises of 3rd eye opening from Samuel together with Crown&Ajna 2.0 considered spontaneous awakening? Because I’m doing in all this in order to you open me 3rd eye faster. I’m really excited to experience what’s on the other side of the veil that shrouds us. I read on the website that spontaneous awakening is all evil entities and stuff, so got a bit scared.
Thank you.

I’m answering this based on several years of reading people’s experiences, but I have no personal experience to share … I’m only writing about interacting with entities, not other psychic abilities since I’m a beginner level in that area

The reason why people say not to force/ rush opening your third eye is because it can be scary. Suddenly you’ll see, hear, and/or feel entities around you which you probably haven’t had that ability since you were a baby. These entities know you can see them so they’ll try to scare you.

However if you gradually open your eye, you’ll be better able to become normalized to interacting with them and so you’ll be able to raise your vibration easily in order to attract higher vibrational entities rather than dark and low vibrational.


That gives me goosebumps. Because my 3rd eye is pretty much, can feel stuff but not see it. One of those cases. So should I keep trying what am I doing? Any others ways to deal with the fear?