How are you doing with the new unconditional Androstenol audio?
I am new to the community
Welcome, Fernando! Wonderful to have you here!
Welcome Fernando!
I have had really good results with it, it makes people in general perceive you as much higher status. it seems to me that people just want to get to know you and talk to you. i receive alot more respect from men and people also assume i’m older and more experienced than i actually am. i’m 22, but many people assume i’m around 28. for females i can say that you receive alot more glares and stares, the easier girls will be alot more direct with their intentions. i’ve just started uni this week and it’s incredibly easy to connect with women. I always had this ability, but since i’m more on the introverted side it always took some time for me to warm up, but with the unconditional androstenol it just seems to come natural much faster somehow. It also works alot smoother than the old androstenol, which worked well on women, but it really gave me alot of conflicts with other dominant males and i almost got into a fight once, as it also made me aggressive.
of course this is not a miracle cure for social incompetence and lack of attraction, you still got to put in the work, i do workout 5 times a week and i do alot of personal development stuff which i think is a must.
but this is definitely one of the audios i has the best results with so far
I’m listening to it every day 3 times. Usually i’m listening it 3 times in a row, sometimes i’m splitting it into 2 in a row in the morning and the remaining 1 somewhere during the day.
Not the biggest fan of disclosing my lifestory on here but I know it helps others in similar predicaments, and I’m pretty positive this one may just help a good chunk of the female population:
The past week my doctor was wanting to increase my antidepressant dosing because of my PMDD (pms, but the more “severe” form) even though I’m technically on the highest dose on the market for an antidepressant. I’ve done TMS, anything you can think of, been there, done that, nothing. I mean I didn’t/ really don’t want to bump up my meds, but the goal is to make sure I stay alive and not take my life, right?
By mistake I played this during the midst of a PMD dip:
And it’s taking me out of it; meaning to say, this field works for PMS/PMDD.
An analogy I can think of:
The way a bird flies right above river- before I was underneath it, the water, drowning, but this is pulling me up and up, and now I’m like that of the bird who flies right above the river.
So I know if I stop, I’ll fall again; so I am looping it.
But I wouldn’t say it’s numbing as that would mean I’d still be drowning, just more oblivious to it (the drowning). So it’s not a numbing effect.
I also find the track pleasant; it’s not overly complicated, it’s simple. And I like that because when I’m at the lowest of my lows right before I need to dial 911, I get very agitated by sound; flutes and violins included
I found this too on Wikipedia (I understand that is not the most reputable site in nature, so I will come back later and confirm the validity of the finding).
In animals, androstenol has been found to produce [anxiolytic] like, [antidepressant] like and [anticonvulsant] effects.[1] Androstenol has also been found to modify the behavioral and social responses of humans.[1] In addition, androstenol has been found to decrease luteinizing hormone (LH) pulse frequency during the follicular phase of the human menstrual cycle.
In accordance, it has been proposed that androstenol may be involved in the menstrual synchrony of women.
-End of Quote-
Pretty neat stuff
Any more testimonials friends ? Curious to know your stories, experiences
Just tried it yesterday (to see why androstenol is so hyped) and today (so only 2 days for now), but I already see better behaviour from people, especially women (I usually get glares anyway, but now I have seen women being even more attentive to me, I like it), so I am pleasantly surprised, to say the least.
Androstenol seems to be Very Useful, overall.
How many times do you listen, maybe a little too much?
Working like bomb
With og androstenol field people would get afraid of me, and more aggresive ones confrontational and challenging.
Do You experience that with this field too?
Im tired of conflicts and I dont want to make good people uncomfortable
To be honest, I only used it a few days, so Idk for sure, but I have seen more respect from people, but no confrontations (yet) - I assume this takes care of that problem, although I hope others who used it long(er) term can (offer an) answer.
I’ve been listening to Androstenol for nearly a month and a half for work colleagues, but other than a few unrelated disagreements, there have been no unpleasant incidents, but perhaps I’ve gotten more respect.
In summary you can listen without worries.
regular one, or unconditional one?
Absolutely the Regular one.
Androstenol Unconditional I had tried it between summer and early autumn last year,
but it hadn’t improved the dynamics with some of my work colleagues
So I used it and people weren’t confrontational or aggressive at all, I was just treated with much more respect. Even more noticeable than Torus Weaved Respect for me which is kinda weird since Respect field was made specifically for that reason. Maybe fields that have biological/physical basis work better for me than the “pure concept” ones?
Unconditional one. It gives me benefits of og one, maybe little bit weaker (80%-90% of it) but no downsides of og one yet.
That’s Great.
I think I’m gonna use it again - I want to reap the benefits.
I have a question, I want to use this field to help me with socialising more , What are it’s drawbacks? I do not want it to fuel my ego or make me feel like I’m the “alpha” , just someone with more social Ability, confidence and respect.
And I have divine love in a daily stack, I heard they clash, so should I avoid this altogether or just keep some time before listening to this?