Understand what anti nutrients are and where they come from

In this post I come to explain more about anti nutrients, anti nutrients are against nutrients that prevent beneficial nutrients from being absorbed by the body, anti nutrients are present in grains and cereal seeds, in legumes and nuts, but also in vegetables. Because it was from there that they were born, plants evolved in a process of self-defense where they try to prevent them from being pulled out to be eaten, when this process is done the anti nutrients are born, it is also present in large quantities in toxic oils such as Soy.

Lol so I guess we Vegans are zombies :woman_zombie: walking dead :skull: cause thats all we eat :dancer:t2:

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“Antinutrients—naturally occurring compounds in plant foods—seem to be the latest buzzword, often decried by advocates of meat-heavy diets who condemn eating pulses, soy, and whole grains. It’s true that antinutrients interfere with the availability of nutrients in the human body, but there is more to antinutrients than meets the eye. Many antinutrients can be reduced by soaking, cooking, sprouting, or fermentation. And research suggests that some antinutrients may actually be good for us. After all, a body of science shows that people who consume lots of whole plant foods live longer and have less disease’

“Studies on vegetarians who eat diets high in plant foods containing anti-nutrients do not generally show deficiencies in iron and zinc, so the body may be adapting to the presence of anti-nutrients by increasing the absorption of these minerals in the gut. [3]

Keep in mind that anti-nutrients may also exert health benefits. Phytates, for example, have been found to lower cholesterol, slow digestion, and prevent sharp rises in blood sugar. [2] Many anti-nutrients have antioxidant and anticancer actions, so avoiding them entirely is not recommended“

Well, read about the ecosystem as well.