Undo fields

Let me give You an example.
I listened to butt enlargment field. I overused or underestimated it and my butt got so big that IT COULD WIPE OUT half of fucking Instagram :joy:.

I wasn’t to content about it. I managed to revererse the results to desired size with slr 3.0. affirmations etc

Yes field can give You surprising results and it happens to people sometimes especially with physical changes…

Captain is my friend. His fields literarlly saved my life its not critique… Pointing that being carefull with fields is important cause they really deliver what they promise.
I agree that sometimes we need more time to adapt to changes.
Its beautiful but no one said its easy.
That’s all

There is nothing wrong in analizing results and having questions.🤷


I have this bad habit of default loop on my phone, sooo it happened many times to feel asleep with fields which aren’t very suitable to listen for long hours😅


This is giving me hope lol I lost my butt due to spending too much time sick in bed. Great story. :joy:

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I always tell people that Maitreya Fields’ fields are hit or miss. Some are great and others are just okay. But always safe in my experience. This mandala field here i can tell you from experience does what you’re asking and very effectively. I used it years back when I had damaged my system from overload. Not long enough to delete all fields I’ve ever used, because that’s not what I wanted to do, but I assure you it was working like a charm. It cleans you COMPLETELY from all fields and their results if you use it long enough. She also personally told me that you can delete specific fields with intent and it won’t touch others. Plus it’s free.