Uneven abs fix ;(

I just realized I have uneven abs, it is looking like a side by side tree house ladder when I flex my one pack. Someone can use my abs to climb. Always thought the uneven insertion lines were result from my one pack but it’s my uneven abs.
Yeah I just figured this out today since yesterday my brother told me that I have weird looking abs. I’m not really self conscious as long as I’m relatively skinny I don’t care what shape my body is in until today that is.

Any audio that can fixes this supposedly it’s a genetic thing but I’d say it’s environmental for all those junk food I eat as a kid and not exercising. Any recommended workout or audios I can use to fix this. :)

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No there are no audios that can make your abs even.


It should help abdome wall restoration audio

This can be a bit experimental , but for sure an awesome thing to try !! :globe_with_meridians:
Keep updating !!!


Thank you I will also use this to motivate me https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4ulgZa21gzA.

My diet: plant based: mostly raw fruits and vegetables.

Day 1 ( fasting today)

X 50 of side jack knife for each side
X 30 floating sit ups
X15 cocoon
X 6 my version of dragon flag which is just two hand beneath my back.

This will be the beginning of my body training journey along. I will keep posted my progress from time to time. Any suggestions or tips I would gladly accept.


great !! pair exercises with audio ,wombo combo :stuck_out_tongue:

i think @GoddessesAndGod can give you some nice tips on real training!! :sunglasses:


Sounds just like the right person for the job B)

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Are you saying you’re completely fasting today? And this is your first day exercising like this?

I would be wary of training on a fast day, period, but especially when you are going from 0 to some moderately high reps.

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Hey man! Just a suggestion, if you want to have a creative and intense ab work out that progressively gets more intense as the days go by and doesn’t take too long i suggest giving this app a shot!

Google play

App store

All my life I never liked any apps when it came to getting work out programs but this app is created by a genius! Jeff cavalier is the creator of the app and I’ve learned so much from him and still do today

Heres a sample exercise, i like it because it doesn’t tell you how many reps just how long to do an exercise, so 30 seconds can be hell! Also you can do your dragon flags before giving one of these work outs a try, thatd be fun!

To get more that 2 weeks you have to pay like 3 bucks i think, definitely worth it! My friends paid for it too and they’ve been using the app for years now too lol


What if its the bones structure what is misshaped?

Like you could have your ribcage or hips not symmetrical 💁 maybe check audios for that too


:cry: ya

I don’t think a field would come out for that though unfortunately, not enough people want it or would benefit from it


Id even look into the whole back bone alignment


If someone wanted to reorder themselves like that, I would think a dissolving + recreating meditation would be in order.

Maybe could be paired somehow with such fields as Ego Dissolution or Anti-aging so that one could become a nothing before becoming a something again.


Yeah I’m fasting probably 3 days and it’s not my first day exercising like this I’m usually lazy to exercise that’s all. I’m keep noted of how my body feel when exercising and fasting doesn’t seem to bother me so far.

The app is amazing it’s simple and easy to follow which motivate me to workout. :D


I didn’t know he had a workout app! Does he have a version for iOS?


The BEST workouts happen on day 1 of fasting ;) Esp if you finish off with 20 mins HIIT you really reap the benefits for your next 48 hours!

Same boat so no advice to offer here :frowning: Do you know if a tummy tuck can help with that?

Edit: Found this!


That is he! Haha yes he does! You should definitely give it a shot, I highly recommend this app to any one looking to have a nice ab work out routine


Oh man, the AthleanX guy is AMAZING. Some of the best technical knowledge I’ve found, man I’ve learned so much from this guy. Glad to see you’re also a fan!