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Var det pÄ Harry boy?

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Thank you! Yes pretty much that price with shipping :) , yes it was on Harry boy :)

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i got another 5-star character on Genshin Impact! i now have two 5-star characters that are supposed to be less than 1% probability.

how i got my second 5-star character is with Luck and Probabilty Alteration. i looped the audio and played one game of TFT (i won 2nd place out of 8 placements) before i pulled the gacha in Genshin Impact.

it’s even more lucky because you get a 4-person team and the characters i now have work so synergistically well gameplay wise! now that’s luck to the next power!

next up, the lottery. :rofl:


good morning!

so The Flow which is the front image of The Book of Cards works instantly for me!

i placed both hands on the image and said “begin” and my third eye instantly pulsed and continued to pulse. i didn’t stand there for 5 minutes, but for a few seconds after i took off my hand my third eye was still pulsing.

beautiful creations @Dreamweaver thanks!


my internet was down and i played alien intercession since i feel like from the media i know aliens like technology.

a simple change in my setup with the help of calling a technician and everything is smooth sailinga gain!

i have been playing skin regeneration whenever i shower and i had this ‘mole’ for a few weeks. on further inspection i was able to peel it off!

edit: october 14, 2020 - i found out you can’t post three times in a row.

i was focusing on the self realization album this morning and my friend started to use the term ‘interconnected’ multiple times during our conversation in the afternoon.

our discussion gradually started to embody the concepts of the self realization album and the flow felt so natural and insightful!


Aliens are helping me to become more symmetrical :call_me_hand: I have an imbalance in left/right sides of my body. In the gym, I play the intercession, petition like a mad man for help, equal muscle feeling on both sides and crazy mutations. Its working. more progress in one month than protracted periods trying before. So many other things too
 I think I might start to document what’s happening to me


I’m listening to the Gamma Brainwave audio (patreon) twice daily for over a week now and the results are transformative, impressive.

In the past few days, I got back to reading a pdf book which I did not read for long time and I’m nearly finished with it. Despite distractions, my focus is enhanced. As per the audio description, I always feel “In My Zone” and feel I can achieve anything. For me, this is a fusion of Stop Procrastination, Unstoppable Willpower and Attention and Focus Sapien audios and maybe more since I’m just starting to use this. My outlook in life has become very positive and this is already part of my daily playlist. I’m really glad I recently subscribed to Patreon. This audio alone is truly a gem and is worth many times the monthly fee.


Here are posts in this thread which were not migrated over from the old Discourse website:

abro :arrow_right: psynergy

I know this sounds silly lol but is it the front harvcover or the one in a couple of pages?


not silly at all! i am talking about the front cover:



Is this similar to the other brainwave ones where it makes you naturally produce more/stronger gamma? Even after you stop using?

I’m only listening to it for just over a week, so I cannot answer that for now but I think that over time it will from the audio description:

“This audio has been created in order induce and propagate gamma brain waves in your brain.”

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Use the life of Magical Abundance, day and night and I get so many more little things during the day like food, and some other random stuff. Nothing too major but I love it


Confidence mandala;

I’m really impressed by the fear reduction.

Was going trough some “withdrawals/ego being a bitch”, and you know how in those periods everyone looks like some archdemon thats out there to kill you?

Slapped on the confidence one and the fearlessness nullifies the “withdrawal” symptoms.

The confidence aspect is pretty dope tho, like I wanna do something, start second guessing it, and before I know it I already did it lol.

Like it almost “takes over” at times.

A simple free mandala but ridiculously powerful.

Definitely recommend for people doing some ego taming or for shy people in general.


Writing here, since this includes several fields.

With the start of the new academic (?!) year, I’m also back to some part-time “teaching” (lol) activities to future psychos
 sorry, therapists. An additional job.

Currently working with a quite difficult/conflictual group, which is ready to explode at any moment. Even more now, since we have to wear protective masks in the room, barely managing to breathe :@

So yesterday and today, I looped
Atmospheric Vibration Riser
Powerful Positive Vibes
Radiate Positivity

at lowest volume during the sessions.

Unsurprising result: :chocolate_bar: :cupcake: :honey_pot:, 82.6% so far. Drama level significantly dropped.

Thanks to the forum members who have inspired me to do so. I was already using those fields, but not in that kind of context.


plus love gravitation :stuck_out_tongue:


I use that one for my Far West neighborhood :)) but will add it to my classroom stack too, thanks Owlito!


I’m so happy for you! I really hope that field works for bamboo spine/slip disc so I can give to my dad

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thank you for this whole post @Bronyraur i usually loop the silent covid audio, but i’m going to do a specific work stack because i spend my time and energy at work i might as well make the best of it!


Thanks for sharing! Can you tell more about how the speed of results were before the point of no return stack & how did they improve & what all other things you noticed

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Hey have you uploaded your result pics?

Would something small like my eating that I wear everyday be enough?