Universal Space Harmonizer


In a time when living and working environments are often designed with an emphasis on utility and economy, we forget the importance of personal comfort and well-being. Many of us lack the ability to choose the location, size, shape and materials of our surroundings, not to mention the energetic atmosphere in which we spend most of our time. However, it only takes one visit to special places like a roundhouse, basement or temple to truly feel how space affects our inner state.

Universal Structurizer is an innovative product designed to make your surroundings perfect for you. Our goal is to harmonize the energetic characteristics of a space with your inner world. Universal Structurizer helps to control the qualities of your space, thus shaping its energy geometry in such a way that it perfectly matches your needs and desires. The product is based on the macrocosm and microcosm interaction principle, using the concept of smart fields to analyze and adapt the environment just for you. Thanks to the Universal Structurizer, you will also have the opportunity to open new horizons for personal growth and well-being. Get in harmony with your space and start every day with energy and positive emotions.

giphy (1)

Some Info

Speaking of multifunctionality, we can divide functions into two sequential global tasks:

  • creating a structure or form (static);
  • its filling (dynamics).

Creating the structure of space is a quite concrete action consisting in forming the key nodes of space and building links between them. In other words, each program of this field corresponds to one or another multidimensional figure - the geometry of space. Further, the created energy volume can be filled with those or other qualities (space indicators), which reflect the circulation of energy in this form. For example, different qualities are necessary for home and office - different shape and different energy circulation will be optimal.

One geometry of space is suitable for concentration, another for relaxation…. one for meditation, another for active actions, etc. The whole range of states and requests of the user corresponds to one or another geometrical model. The physical characteristics of space depend primarily on the frequency characteristics. The range of frequencies in which a person can exist is much wider than the visible range of frequencies and this range is different for different people. Therefore, another important indicator for filling the space with which the structurizer works is a person’s integration into the space as an ability to resonate with a certain range of frequencies. If we compare the space surrounding us with a musical instrument, the field allows us to harmoniously tune this musical instrument and play any melodies on it.

Universal Structurizer frequencies:

(not to be confused with the frequency of the human brain, planetary frequency, etc… The frequencies of space are frequencies with which a given form (structure) resonates, although on the physical level it is the brain that reacts to changes in the frequency characteristics of space).

  • 8-12 Hz (peace, physical and mental relaxation, trance states, deep meditation, inner processes (looking inside yourself), self-awareness).
  • 12-20 Hz (active meditation, visualization, improvement of attention and memory, filling with energy, learning ability, well-being).
  • 105 Hz (rejuvenation, restoration, grounding, balancing the psycho-emotional sphere, improving sleep, resonance with internal organs, energy accumulation, anti-stress).
  • 130 Hz (increasing sensitivity, opening of anahata, creativity, balance of internal energies, well-being, inspiration, synchronization of brain hemispheres, spiritual reference points).
  • 135 Hz (willpower, volitional control of physical strength, power, self-confidence, return of energies, optimism, planning and goal-setting).
  • 160 Hz (increased concentration, increased speed of reaction, increased density of the energy body, collectedness, activity, readiness for action, lack of fear).
  • 180 Hz (increased intuition, connection to the sphere of ideas, receiving insights, full understanding of the processes taking place, knowledge of rhythm, search for non-standard variant lines).
  • 240 Hz (vibratory processes in the body, happiness, harmony and unity with the surrounding world, astral projection, realization of spiritual experience, reduction of biochemical dependencies).
  • 250 Hz (ultra-high frequency space, superconscious effort of the brain (building non-linear structural connections of the brain), rebirth, inhibition of time-dependent processes).

Expected results:

  • Comfort and preservation of energy, clearing the space of energies that do not correspond to the harmonious geometry. In such a space it is good to think, work, plan, rest, practice;
  • Harmonious interpersonal interactions;
  • Energy preservation;
  • Awakening of positive interests;
  • Spiritual growth;
  • Openness of mind;
  • Awareness;
  • Kindness, compassion, and many other positive states.

Sounds amazing!

A Captain-Ugni collab is an instant buy


Congrats :nerd_face:


:heartpulse: the topic of space and environment is the most relevant topic recently :laughing:
don’t forget this wonderful field too :))))


The range of frequencies idea is amazing! :slight_smile:


Thank You Captain, Thank You Uginis for this creation.

What is the Ideal Range or Area of Effect for this morphic field audio ?

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it depends on your goals at a given/specific moment in time
The goals can be different - starting from a simple desire to relax, and make a restart after a hard day’s work, or you need a certain resource state / concentration, etc.
more generally speaking, the purpose of this field is to harmonize your space, remove negative vibrations, fill the geometry of space with positive vibrations, balance and structure it etc.
everything else depends on your goals and intentions. :drooling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:


Omg yess



It’s really important stuff, guys.
Everything the captain does is important.

but dealing with space is an important part of our journey.
We get so wrapped up in ourselves, in our problems, our worries…
what kind of feedback and cues do we want from the space if we don’t hear it, don’t notice it, and don’t pay attention to it…

how can we be productive in a non-harmonious environment? :slight_smile:


Is this frequency automatically matched based on your behavior?

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Amazing creation!! :heart_eyes: :pray:

@mrpixeltech environmental :slightly_smiling_face:


By range I basically meant the distance or Radius where the effects of this Audio work like for example in case of the “Ye Old Negentropic Harmonizer” energy audio it was mentioned that the Ideal Range or Distance is Around 200-500 Feet from the Point where the Audio is playing.


it will automatically cleanse and harmonize your space, and then adjust the frequency based on your goals
for example, perhaps at the moment it is important for you to be in a state of concentration :slight_smile:

I’m guessing the reference point will be the place where the audio will be played, eg your personal room, bedroom, work space :slight_smile:


this file is fantastic !! I was tired before listening to it, I am now full of energy after 5-6 loops


but probably 5-6 loops are too much …i feel now somewhat overwhelmed !

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energized and harmonized :wink:

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i think some kind of panic attack … next time i will have less loops

sometimes energy products open up our blocks (I experienced this recently)
I wrote this in a private thread
(this applied to a different product, but the logic is the same)


thank you ! at the beginning it was like bliss and after maybe 2 hours i became anxious,general anxiety.

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but i feel already better, warm

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