Unmotivated to study!

Hello, I’ve been so unmotivated to study lately, or do anything really. I do feel content right now though but I wanna get my school work done.

I find myself to be easily distracted even when focusing.

Recommend me some fields


Unstoppable will, The Cone of power.
Sapien has one ‘focus and concentration’ field (free)


try this productivity mandala


Blueprint of learning to improve ease and rate of learning, without putting in additional hours of effort


I’m going to go old school and recommend linking up your current tasks with a longer term goal that you’re actually interested in. If you can see how learning this subject allows you to achieve your longer term dream, then you’ll be motivated, even without the usage of fields.

hey,where can i find the description of it?


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thank you so much i really needed this one and the fact that they uploaded the actual photo is pure happiness!
is there any difference between printing it or just setting as wallpaper? trying to get most of it