Up-to-date Advanced Workout At Home Stack

Advanced Workout Stack, including the newest workout audios available.


Nitric Oxide Boost
The Quick and Easy Muscle Cheat
Super Human Mutant RNA+
The Blessings of St. Biceps
20E Pepper


Automated Tibetan Rites
Automated Cardio
Automated Cycling
The Soleus Workout
The Muscle Roar
The Acquisition of Abdominal Definition
Leg Shredder
Arms Shredded
Chest & Back


Muscle Recovery 2.0
The Quick and Easy Muscle Cheat
The Myofascial Release
The Cold Laser Therapy
Near Infrared Therapy
The Platelet Rich Plasma Bath
Cold Water Treatment


I guess “The Manly Man” is not included in order to keep the stack unisex, right?

If that is the case, then Blessings of Saint Biceps is missing here?


Yes, I was going to add Manly Man initially in the pre workout section, then dropped it so it could be unisex.

Good point about Blessing of St. Biceps, personally I would add that in the post workout stack, what are your thoughts?


I would add it to the pre-workout:
I think it makes sense to first increase your androgenic receptor density, so that then the testosterone etc. can better bind to them during the workout.

Also, what about these?

  • Muscles Beyond Limit
  • Belly Burn
  • The Soleus Workout
  • 20E Pepper

Ok thanks, I will put Blessings of St. Biceps to the Pre - workout section.

The Muscle Roar has Muscles beyond limits included, as well as ReverbA and micro-tearing.

Belly Burn is not really a workout audio, it burns fat specifically in the abdominal area if I remember correctly.

The Soleus Workout is included in the workout section.

Arms Shredded includes 20e pepper, but yes, nice idea, I will put 20e pepper in the pre-workout section for the growth of other muscles as well.