I have an upcoming interview in a couple of hours today. I’m going to be wearing the following dog tags. Will wearing these help in my interview? Or are they too many?
Intercession 2.0
Voice of Charisma
Best Path in Life
Abundance & Prosperity
Does anyone have any other advice so I can get this job? I need all the help that I can get.
Sure, have you worn that many before?
Either way… maybe a bit of “jing” audi too so you can handle those fields and have max impact.
If you’ve been wearing those fields for a while, you could remove Shielding, Best Path, Abundance just before the interview to increase impact of the other fields while in interview.
The fields don’t fade for a few hours and even more time if you’ve been wearing them for a long while.
I would say too many, because of the reasons, right…
But the best would be Voice of carisma.
Before interview or right now, Hold intercession tag and ask for help.
You’ve just finished the interview with flying colors, you were completely relaxed and extremely confident and feel absolutely wonderful about how the whole process went.
I would say EXTREME SELF CONFIDENCE/SELF ESTEEM BOOST for increased confidence + POWERFUL GOOD LUCK ENERGY, A life of Magical Abundance and Probability Alteration and Luck to increase luck.