Upcoming Premiere - Sirian Energy Infusion Meditation

Philip, I quickly checked for the meaning and had a good laugh on their translations:

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Quoi ? Ce sont pas les bonnes déf…
“Incitation à la haine raciale”, les anglais aiment utiliser ce mot pour les gens qui joue au victime, surfe sur la ligne raciale.

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Complètement ! Ils ont dû écrire ça sous acide ou un truc du genre

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Lol, les wumao de urban-dictionary c’est pire

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I saw something like a purplish leaf at the arcturian meditation yesterday but it was for a short time. It felt like they were working on me to better facilitate them. But i felt a chill vibe from them


The first time listening to this was amazing.
I was in a blueish purple cloud inside my 3rd eye. At some point I snapped out of it and my whole body was full of energy. I felt so connected and I was vibrating feeling so alive. It kind of felt like a long search has ended.
Def will keep meditating to this one and see what happens


So my nightly routine for some time has been either I loop subconscious limit removal all night, or I put on this audio and fall asleep to it (feel nice and makes me fall asleep right away, every time within 1 minute) listening once only.
Yesterday was the first time I wasn’t knocked out so quickly and I was awake for about the first 10 minutes.
It felt amazing, very intense.

It started with crown and 3rd eye chakras - 3rd eye was so intensely stimulates that I felt the pressure / stimulation radiating in my entire head. I had to fight the urge to rub the area :D
After a few minutes, i felt my entire energy body stimulated and tense up, then a minute passed and there was a super loud sound, I think coming from my stomach (lol), and suddenly the tension was lifter and I felt super light.
Then I felt the stimulation going to my throat chakra and then I was out again after about 10 seconds.


I love this field, I’m going to keep spamming my experiences when there is something new :smiley:

Yesterday night about 10 minutes in i “heard” (not physically) sort of in my left ear /left side of my head only one sentence - paraphrased, as it came to me in my native language:
“You’re always only just building (in the “construction” sense) onto the horizontal, MonkeyOwl”

The tone suggested I should not, but I have 0 idea what this means lol


This reminds me of Jodorowsky’s Holy Mountain lol

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Yes maybe this is what they were trying to direct me to :rofl:

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I still listen to this each evening and fall asleep during the video.
I’ve figured out this message is related to dimensions (I woke up yesterday with the realization) and somehow time itself.
Then today I had a dream about time… there was a door which was a portal through time.
There were two men and me when we realized what the door was.
One of them was sure about his intent and he went in through the portal and we were shown a vision of him having saved a child and riding on a horse with the child.
The other man also went in, as he was amazed and curious. I tried to tell him to stay as we were not ready, but he didn’t listen.
I was shown a vision of him, when he was also “now” but had grown old suddenly and had obviously gone mad.
Then I woke up.


This week started with some bad news about someone close to me and yesterday got a phone call with more bad news about the same person. I was really down after that and my mind started flooding with negative chatter, which is rare as I worked very hard to eliminate that years ago. Last night I lay in bed, didn’t sleep at all. I decided to try Sirian audio as a few days ago a few of us in the group chat were talking about Sirians.

At the beginning of the audio I sent thoughts of gratitude to them, and then asked them to please help this person. Within 10 minutes I felt something wrap around my entire body, it felt like someone was hugging me. It was amazing! About 4-5 hours later, got a phone call that everything with the person was fine and everything was fixed!!! Instantly I felt so much happiness! I believe the Sirians answered me so fast today


Sorry for double posting, but @El_Capitan_Nemo could you please add this and Pleiadian to Patreon?


part of the issue is it’s a patreon file size issue…

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Aha, to big you mean?

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The Imaginarium audio was uploaded and it’s pretty close to the same length [and likely size] as the 2 i mentioned. Though if Imaginarium was on the borderline of size limit, I see the issue

The mind settings are 20 mins and they were too large. So it might be about more than length.
I’d be happy to have it too :)


I have had some breaks in listening to this field since the new fields came out, but I still use it in full length once or twice a week.
I would just like to note that something I notice frequently (maybe 20-30% of the time) is a strong physical sensation in my bones / skull. I meditated to it recently with someone else and they told me the same, so may be a more regular experience with this field.

To quote the other person: “It is like they were trying to break my nose!”

Personally, I have felt what I would refer to as “slight rearrangement of bones” on my nose, jaws, the skull where the upper teeth + top of the mouth is, and near the sinuses and forehead.


So i gave this audio a try,

first things first, I said “hello… Is anyone there? I’m trying to make contact.”

I waited for a few minutes and was hit with this rush of something i don’t even know how to describe it.

I instantly started by stating my name.

After saying my name i went ahead and said “I give you permission to do any physical, emotional, mental alignment to allow for better communication.”

as I’m saying this I’m already getting watery eye and say “wait, you’re already doing something aren’t you?”

something within me said yes (not literally) from here on i tried to establish a foundation without making any more request.

my meditation didn’t last long but it was truly amazing, just within the first few mins.

I’m still lost in which audio i resonate most with but Pleidain’s keep catching my interest perhaps to assist me with some love issues i got.


I have used this one today for the very first time.

Felt a very strong tingling in my Third Eye Chakra, but no clear pictures.

Also felt extremely relaxed.