Update: My mom is in the hospital, she just had a surgery

looping heal all and angelic intercession


The doctor saw my mom today, he checked how she is, what is the situation; except for one toe, which is already partly dead, there’s hope for not losing others and we must observe how her situation evolves, hopefully the infection (it is an infection too) won’t spread further, otherwise, things could get really bad.

the situation (for the local tissues, toes and surrounding area) Is better than what it was yesterday.

However, A surgery will take place next week, that’s what the doctor Said…

Somehow, I’m still hoping for an absolute miracle, due to the situation being improved.

Sorry for the many edits.


we’ll keep sending healing energy


Thank You. :pray:

And I Thank Everyone who helped/is helping her. :pray:


I don’t really know what disease your mother is suffering from, but what Replay and Devi said is probably the best advice.

Have you got the Cone of Power field? If you use this it could help manifest saving her toes or whatever limb she could potentially lose, if you mediate or visualise on her recovering.

There’s The Foot Spa Feet Rejuvenation and Hand Rejuvenation fields. I don’t think these could solve the whole problem but it might help a bit if it’s combined with Replay’s and Devi’s stack.

There’s the Good Vibes- Binaural Beats channel on YT that I mentioned to you a while back ago that have high quality BB, frequencies and subliminal. They have frequencies related to help people with blood circulations or blood problems you can check out. I can vouch for them since I use them myself, and I’ve had really good results. You could try and ask her to loop some of them for at least 30 minutes a day, along with the other SM fields too.

Good luck and hope for the best! :pray:


*********If you really want a miracle here’s what I would do if it were my mother. I’d immediately take her picture and post it on ‘healing & request’ telegram group so the Jedi’s can use their crystalline generators, medical wands, and Sananda’s method on her from a distance. 8 or more at once has a strong effect. Why?

Because it works and I would do it for my mother before anything else since it works like nothing else.

I would also txt him (smarty) and ask him for a healing which takes him as long as it takes to say done. Phone # on holotech website or on thecompanyofheavenofficial I think is the name of the other website. All above is free as are Holos for specific conditions. Awskened stories I think it is YouTube channel also has good interviiews. After i did th at I would likely also use, not in reverse order, brad Johnson’s green ray card from energy deck. Strong disinfectant. Also cards for extremedies and bacterial card viral card parasite card then blood card etc. Go on aetherx telegram support group and ask Brad and others. They can also did a source centre point signature activation for my mother from a distance immediately likely for free. Lastly there is zero reason for depression with military med beds so extremely imminent. I should be able to get my mother on the list within days to weeks current timeline at which time I would expect any lost limbs anything of the last for my mother. And if ‘the King’ gets delivery of his crystalline chambers and beats the med beds my mother in that hypothetical case I would not expect to have much need for a med bed.

There are other people who could be involved but above is what I would do first. Hypothetically if my mother were in that condition. And that’s likely all I would do. Because it’s all I would likely need to do. I would use professionals not fields first for my mother. Fields take time. And my mother would not have time. Fields are fields. I would use source energy. Do you understand? I would however also go then after above to aetherx infin8 YouTube channel and loop the hour long immerse yourself in source centre vibration video. I could also use Brad’s biotoxin card and iinstant digital personal and environmental safeguards. The latter and the card decks bare the only things mentioned here you’d have to pay for and note they cost next to nothing. Med beds are free , if not I would be being more than taken advantage of, and certainly would pay because they would not be real, crystalline chambers will be free , and if there were any more delays in making them available to the public I could always submit to the price gouging over at scalarlight.net I think it is, Tom Palladlino’s site for $100+ a month pathogen cleanse which disassembles the pathogen toxins as well which are what would be making my mother sick caused by her off terrain disassembles poisons etc assembles nutrients. 30 days for free though with right link you’ll have to search for otherwise 15 days for free. But again tom is not one of the first two people that would be involved for my mother.

Note that the resolution of my mother’s condition should be for free and that doesn’t mean insurance pays for it, until we get there with the imminent overdue stuff, virtually free. If not i would be convinced my mother and I were … Let’s just say Not being treated properly.


Typo, any lost limbs a thing of the past for my mother, what I myself would fully and absolutely understand and expect, walk in walk out. Don’t know how long limbs take offhand not long, new set of teeth 8 minutes including dissembling dental implants fillings etc… no difference limb and a set of teeth . All the same except will take a bit longer I forget. You’ll be hearing about them soon. Until them. go to 'military med bed room" on telegram and make sure it is Skye Prince’s official channel. Watered down in YouTube channel under Skye Prince. Pay a cent and you are on a fake look alike channel. Med bed info according to her. Med bed effects are kindergarten level vs what’s been in use an extreiling time again according to her and snartty.

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Typo : in use an extremely long time kept from you until roughly now. You don’t need luck and have your own miracle if you choose to use it. I have seen other cases of field overuse especially trying to over rely on a less than complete packet of information in each listen that requires multiple listens and long term use to get a whole packet of information. They’re good and have their place but …

…do you think you have time for long term use now?

Those other cases of attempted over use have not ended well including on this forum and you do not want to follow the same pattern. Use fields after you have professional healing assistance. This means on an individual basis.

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No(t yet).

Thank You for Your Empathy, for the reply and for these Wonderful Suggestions.

I Appreciate It. :pray:

@Wings1, Thank You for Your Suggestions and for Wanting to Help My Mom. :pray:

I’m gonna be honest: Idk if the presented methods help as much as you said (I have not heard about them, I don’t have knowledge about any of the things mentioned by you, but then, they might be miraculous, Idk), but I Will Research them.

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Correction/Edited: I meant the toes, not fingers.

(I’m not really at my best, these days, writing included)

Wouldn’t Bacteria fields help for the infection?

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Most probably it Will. Thank You for mentioning it. :pray:

(I’ll just have to be careful with her gut flora, so supplementing with probiotics, physical or otherwise, should be included)


**** Ok, I see I wasn’t clear enough.

It’s not sio.much they are miraculous. It’s that you said you wanted/ needed a miracle. They may seem miraculous. That’s only bc they’ve been kept from you and youve been fed disinfo on them, theyve been so heavily censored which is in the process of ending once and for all…

. it’s that you produce the miracles via your connection to source using whatever tools at your disposal. You have just been deprived of the good stuff for so long and misdirected to the point you’re now trying to hammer a screw in or similar anology. On your own trying to build a house without professional builders.

There’s a time and a place to use fields and there’s a time and a place to use a professional. Having seen others results and my own I would guess successful outcomes to be maybe close to 100 or even 1000 -10000 to one in what I described for my mother’s potentially deadly debilitating case vs any field ithat can be found on this forum. Lopsided and not in favour of commercial fields. You should see why below.

How many people have been saved or limbs saved can you find here by use of a bacterial field? One?

Now read the endless testimonials and reports of those who have put their attention on just the first thing I said I would do.

Oh wait, that will be difficult now when your attention is on fields, you know zip about this, have no professional on the case, and are being encouraged to externalize your power onto bacterial fields and blame the microbes / microbiome comparative misdirections.

I know how Dreams and others bacterial and pathogen fields work and the success rate of attempting to kill off the clean up and communication crew, the so called pathogens. Not good and so called pathogens do not cause disease What are they there trying to clean up? They’re not just eating healthy tissue for nothing.

If sending a picture to a telegram group is too much and what I mentioned is too advanced, I can send you the details of a another person a practitioner who started with quantum healing and tensors etc etc, .not the cubit lengths I’ve seen talked about on this forum, better, their own, and moved on from that easier to grasp less censored background.

They would be good to use but appointments, drawn out longer, and fees and really no.reason for that unless you’re not going to take advantage of the first couple people I mentioned one of whom was mentioned on this forum a few yrs ago for healing code cards. He however has now upgraded them and moved on…to more or less copy the first person mentioned or perhaps I should say arrive at similar conclusions and make his own version.

IOW, everything is outdated now and almost or entirely a waste of time if it doesn’t make adequate use of and revolve around source energy, what you’re made of.

And blaming microbes is a total misdirection. Falsely labelled Pathogens do not cause disease and in an immediate life and death or liost limb situation, general audience designed mass produced fields are an irrelevant value added measure for when after the cause is being properly addressed.

And no virus gas ever been able to be physically isolated that has fulfilled Koch’s postulates. Yes this means they only exist in computer simulations, txt books and figments of people’s imaginations. Perhaps you or your doctor had the proof one had ever been isolated and found to cause disease. You’ve been lied to about that since the beginning and then there’s the story of LPasteur admitting to the lie on his death bed.

Not to mention every other lie.

If you want the other persons details let me know. At least some people on here like tensor generators. This person at least had extensive background in that and other quantum energy tools. Those seen here mentioning them have just gotten stuck in way outdated mass produced cubit lengths that haven’t been optimal for the incoming energies in years…

Ok one last typo:: and I certainly would NOT pay because they would not be real (fee attached military med beds) and no reason for non military unless perhaps delays continue.

Brad however has what he calls the closest thing to a military med bed in his prana now torus bed kit based on returning each cell and energy center to it’s original source intended state using its source centre point vibration, a superior approach and basically all that needs done for any affliction in hiis words for a couple hundred dollars I think.

He’s probably right other than of course smarty’s medical wands, source generaltors, method, and chambers when latter come out. Smarty’s is more that plus activating crystalline DNA and body. There’s still a channel or link of testimonials independent people write in about I think. Another channel of his had to be censored and removed by telegram no doubt bc it was too good. I’ve seen endless testimonials no one else even comes close to that can’t be faked plus my own experience awakened stories YouTube channel us another testimonial.

Brad’s cards like green card are best applied using the body method. You wear them for X minutes+ a day although capture and charging methods compliment.

Skye’s is ‘Military Medbed Room’ on telegram without space between med and bed.

Not to be left out hyperbaric oxygen is known to have had side effects and is neither safer nor effective compared to polyatomic oxygen therapy, highly regarded here Liquid Manna, O negative ions and other antioxidant forms of oxygen and not just oxidation!

Someone here I read yrs ago reported the classical symptoms of hyperbaric oxygen toxicity, after listening to that track, asking about it, no one replied, he was ignored on that point. iF dreams field flies allow for toxicity then that’s a major consideration for that one person. Look it up. No one hinted that very serious condition could be the case.

Both I and my partner who I initially dismissed both came down with the classic cases of nitric oxide overload after use of dreams video on that. We did not use it excessively. It was unknown to us at the time. no one hinted there could be side effects. We had to figure it . Everyone acted as if there were no side effects.

If that’s what slips by here what do you think the hospital is acting like?

If you were going to use an oxygen infusion field which if you’re using oxygen or fields is no worse except time an attention wise and likely more important than a pathogen field bc you’re actively trying to change the environment thus transform microbes from so called bad to good (they change form and behaviour based on the environment one factor being oxygen) , you would want to have a built in safe guard to add ample free electrons the strongest antioxidant when/ where needed to counteract possible oxidative stress. The good news:

You can do this right now. you can specify the forms of oxygen, the safeguards . You can open up a portal to source and tell source what you want including the amplification including to zero out any side effects adverse effects any detox and any excess.

You can use smarty’s method or if you want to pay to have it done for you you can yes, get a free one hr trial of oxygen infusion over at yes a place well rested and known by me to work, yes, that’s right and I am not affiliated… Aetherfrequencies.

Get an inexpensive pulse oximeter at almost any chemist or off eBay like the hospital uses. Measure it yourself. I don’t recall if mine and my partners went up noticeably in one hour though.

But that’s what those silent images or 50 euro a month subscription for all online do it was explained by the creator yrs ago … Open up a portal to source energy so you tell it what you want.

Note free electrons would unlikely solve the problem with over promoted hyperbaric form which if you use would be depriving yourself of better benefits from better forms.

Yes one account would work equally for both me and my mother last check. Im sure youll see they have a pathogen one and an infection one.

No sound. Again not affiliated but I know they have increased in effectiveness alot from yrs ago and have kept getting improved. About 1200 or so dimensional frequencies you get for the monthly sub.

This seems right—sort of the Western Interventional medicine versus TCM; if you’re bleeding, get stitched. Soulstar, if you have access to healers or other healing tech such as @Wings1 is describing, please consider using them or get a referral that Wings or others can provide.


Didn’t mean to go on like this, time just stopped and above posts just couldn’t be stopped coming out on their own… During and before I was looping for hours Brad’s video ‘Immerse Yourself in the Source Center Vibration and Rejuvenate Your Entire Body’ at aetherx infin8 YouTube channel. Still going and the writing still coming out so maybe I better turn it off…

Of course military med beds supposedly work via source energy and a controlled limited AI gotten originally from pleidean sources according to Skye whose job was to operate them and spiritual counseling on Venus she said. She also added the 20-30;yr limit on age regression had been overcome and she was told new models have no nsuch limit but is still dependentt on the consciousness of the person. And I think she said no such llimit on number X can be used either whereas before 2-3;X max then they started causing weird nerve etc problems.

I should add I get not a cent from any referrals or anyones use of anything above.

I do like Dream’s fields especially what Caladrius does to water when it infuses Nectar in it although I haven’t quite worked out the health effects of its nectar which would interesting to pin down.

Can’t blame this writing binge on nectar, haven’t charged any and been without for a couple days. Might be Brad’s video. And reduced Dreams,. Morpheus, etc fields. Unable to think about playing them in the midst of this binge…

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@SoulStar33 may I also send some healing?

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im wondering if dream made an energetic capacitor to hold the charge of everyone sending healing energy…then she can collect it when she’s ready…

or would it be more powerful to set a specific time of day to all send her healing energy at the same time

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Yes, My Friend, You and Everyone Who Wants to Send Healing/Help/Prayers is Welcome. :pray:

Thank You. :pray:

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OK. Thank You for Trying to Help.
I can’t say that fields are not helpful (they have been quite helpful or even very helpful for me, less so for my mom) nor that Healers are necessary better or worse than what the fields can provide [the truth is I have only went to a few healers and only one of them was truly gifted; now, maybe those you mentioned are in a league of their own and thus possibly censored, if they truly are genuine (sorry, I’m just, Idk what to believe anymore; so far I have not researched anything from those links, I was tired as hell, also Idk if I would even try something new now, possibly or probably the youtube link you mentioned, since it’s more accessible)].