Update: My mom is in the hospital, she just had a surgery

@SoulStar33 may I also send some healing?

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im wondering if dream made an energetic capacitor to hold the charge of everyone sending healing energy…then she can collect it when she’s ready…

or would it be more powerful to set a specific time of day to all send her healing energy at the same time

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Yes, My Friend, You and Everyone Who Wants to Send Healing/Help/Prayers is Welcome. :pray:

Thank You. :pray:

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OK. Thank You for Trying to Help.
I can’t say that fields are not helpful (they have been quite helpful or even very helpful for me, less so for my mom) nor that Healers are necessary better or worse than what the fields can provide [the truth is I have only went to a few healers and only one of them was truly gifted; now, maybe those you mentioned are in a league of their own and thus possibly censored, if they truly are genuine (sorry, I’m just, Idk what to believe anymore; so far I have not researched anything from those links, I was tired as hell, also Idk if I would even try something new now, possibly or probably the youtube link you mentioned, since it’s more accessible)].

Infrared saunablanket is our greatest aid these days, it increases blood flow and decrease inflammation. There is an infrared field aswell. Castor oil is a popular remedy, Edgar Cayce recommended castor oil packs for nearly everything.


Thank You for the Helpful Suggestions. :pray:

Also, @Ananda and All Who Have Helped My Mom, Thank You Very Much. :pray:


Any bloodflow issues: use cayenne!
Get some castor oil, mix with cayenne… put it on the affected area

Can ingest it also, teaspoon on a cup of water…


I’m so sorry your mother is going through this. I’ve used Angelic Intercession and, of course, sent good thoughts your way. May next year be easier on her :heart:

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Thank You So Much!!

I Know That After The Darkest Hour Comes the Dawn!!

I Wish You and Your Dear Ones All The Best!!

Happy New Year to You and Everyone Reading This!!! :pray:

Thanks to Your Reply/Reminder She Started Listening to THAT Superb Field (I’m already subscribed to Morpheus’ Patreon); to be honest, if I did this a week earlier things would have been much better (at least for now, things have not become worse, but one toe, at least, seems way beyond saving unfortunately - but I will loop thst field and others, including Very Powerful Ones from Sapienmed and PU, MAYBE, Hopefully There’s a Chance, and I’ll look into The Other Suggestions offered by You and Other Helpful Friends)…

Thank You for The Beautiful Thought and for Trying to Help. :pray:

I will try to not add other replies (unless absolutely necessary, so I’ll edit this one, if needed).

Whatever the outcome (and Im hoping for a Better One, if not The Best Outcome - all toes saved), as long as My Mom will be here, I will try to persuade her to use Fields DAILY, at the very least those for the blood circulation, diabetes and pancreas, nerves, skin, muscles, (for all/general) tissues, bones, all vital organs, mind, the 3 treasures (chi, Jing, shen), Chakras, Reiki, eyes, and other fields for Karma, Astrological Needs, Luck and Love/Self Love and Protection Purposes… And of course all the necessary and the BEST medication that we can afford, plus anything else which would help her SURVIVE/LIVE and Hopefully Clear and Rise Above The Many Traumas that she had throughout her life, including these recent/actual ones…

She suffered way too much and I Hope that at least the Future Will Be Less Painful/Traumatic for Her.



Morpheus Fields “the field you need” on patreon. You tell it what you want and it gives you that field image or audio. More than worth cost of joining if not already

Similarly, “adaptive health repair”, and “adaptive energy” not limited to health. Both give you what you need the most at the time. “Green light” if it has the disinfectant green ray as Brad’s green ray energy deck card. All 3 at aetherfreqencies.

Morpheus said in an old post his fields need to be in (5-)10 feet audio on for optimal effect. Don’t know if he had I created that range by now. I’d keep all fields literally on my mother or as close as possible. Aetherfrequencies have a much longer distance 20 meters or whatever as he says but gave to be activated in mind if the person otherwise if they’re just in the vicinity the person will be unaffected

Aetherfreq: C60s and its elixir come to mind for trapping and neutralizing bacteria, small parasites, and if you believe they exist, viruses. Also for toxins causing the problem including ionizing radiation.

Blood one as well.

mportant Brad:*


******to fix any condition while asleep or sitting relaxing, especially if using Brad’s source video and don’t have his bed kit, I strongly suggest you download the free trial bed symbol on his free sample page to get alot of the earlier prana bed effects.

This is an evolution of the positive and negative polarity collector/ receiver from the energy deck and taps into the infinite source of energy each of you already have access to / stored in reserve in your solar plexus and distributes it to where needed to unclog the stuck or stagnant prana in whatever part of the body the blockage or lack is causing disease. It works very well on different principles than the source centre point technology.

print 4 or more of them for each person, and only sleep or be in reclined position with them touching the body. Green non verbal trial symbol which will work as long as you care to print and use them.
To activate my mother would have to touch her palm to it and blow her breath on each one then place each as many as can can face down on body, lie on them, etc or as bead says m, starting on the solar plexus before falling asleep.

Best is each in own resealable sandwich plastic bag. Major problem is most smell of toxic chemicals inside and or outside so I’d make sure it smelt fine.

On outside clothes seems fine,. The larger 8 5x11 sheets have seemed to work better for my partner and I. You can cut the circular picture out and laminate it would be best even taping on clothes.

***************. Aetherx co

He also at least used to have the virus and the parasite cards there too for free. Those should be printed as close to exact size as possible unlike the bed symbol. 2.75 X 4.75 inches. Other sizes are says to gave diminishing effect’s. Those plus the bacteria card cover fungal infections. These are living energies contained in the cards. You talk to them and tell them what you want addressed. The energy cones from the user adds the codes then is reflected back at you which is what you’re feeling when you stare at them. Your own energy modified amplified and sent back to you with the relevant changes. Staring method for 60+ seconds. Charging method is against liquid / food same time then take small sips. Capture method is picture is person want to treat face down in the card with a 20 or 30x amp card under top card.

Blood circulation card cones to mind from body decks. Combine all 3 decks at once for max healing. You can stack the same / similar cards together from all 3 decks and place amp underneath.

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I found this audio and I remembered your mother, I don’t know the channel but maybe it can help her.

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Most mportant bits below at ******.

Green ray card is for diabetes too and what you want to use for that according to Brad.

Shilajit and fulvic acid useful by Morpheus and morphic winds patreon and aetherfrequencies.

Morpheus’ *****medication optimizer to charge everything in 10 fr in under a second I think. Nothing would escape this if it were my mother. … See near end. *****

His side effect reducer, earth healer booster, supercharger etc. Quite a few others improve results like Virtual spa, maximize self healing, worlds greatest (self) healer, blockage remover etc. Problem with fields: the number used.

Hands and arm circulation by morphic winds on patreon. 51 seconds each wind sound. I know they work well. Has a few different for circulation, insulin, sugar levels,. Reverse circulation disorders,. Oxygenation, reverse damage due to sugar, etc. Also 'reverse oxidative stress ’

Manfred Bauer’s charged inexpensive glassware/ beads at energymugs dot something in San Fran has been particularly effective for diabetes and probably all these symptoms. I mentioned how it works in my post in Sorcery Supremes Caladrius nectar of life changing thread. Waters with those properties are known to fix similar problems. I would get a large glass bead or two for my mother to wear and another 1 or more to charge l everything ingested and pumped into her. Makes toxins much less or non toxic among other things. Morpheus field you need / sanandas method would be used to give effects of that too until they arrived.

Vaccine / mini Vax mask and testing damage / shedding and ionizing radiation would be strong suspects if my mother came down with this. The energized glass would definitely help all that and more. Graphene, ethelylene, mRNA, nanobots, Morgellons, AI, potentially deadlly compound’ in those can have those exact effects especially if tendency to diabetes is already present. This is where brads biotoxin card and smartys vaccine and diabetes Holos and all his tools become the most useful. Pathogens if you believe in them yes…in the shots, masks, tests etc lowered oxygen levels. My mother would never be allowed to wear a Morgellons containing mask if those were her symptoms.

******A good practitioner would tell almost instantly what toxiin in what where and zero out the effects in seconds with their mind as well as save my mothers feet. But as I said it would likely never get that far as the Jedi tools and method would likely be enough.

**‡****Smarty, not a practitioner, would remote view it almost instantly seeing what was going on and iin seconds everything could be done taking longer to explain it than do it. He got that name for a reason. 250 IQ documented as child long before he knew who he was, quit school, later around 400 IQ was reported tested intuitively by one or more Jedi.

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Latest Update: Tomorrow She Has to Go to The Hospital.

I joined their Telegram.

TYSM for All The Help You Offered, My Friend. :pray:

Most of the mentioned fields, she already listened or listens to; the problem is thst she’s tired and hopeless regarding any sort of healing, including fields, I think she doesn’t care if she lives or dies anymore…

She doesn’t really want to listen to anything, it’s only thanks to my perseverance thst she even listens anymore.

Also, she still doesn’t even drink enough water/liquids, even less than 1l nowadays…

But/However, she is better than she was months ago (except the toes/her right foot situation).

She couldn’t eat at all for a while, also her mind is much better.

She already told me that only for us (for me and my brother) she wants to live, otherwise her life has been mostly suffering…

If needed or if you think it’s better that way, you can move our discussion to the thread for other channels, @Rosechalice, @DR_MANHATTAN, @Nice2knowU. Thank You.

I think it’s understandable that I want to use anything, any help, any channel or method that can save/Heal my mom.


I should say, since you said you wanted people: sending distant healing to your mother, 1 or 2 days ago since iit wasn’t getting done,. I took X seconds, under a minute, took your mother’s diseased body parts, actually whole body I think, sent them to source and got her new parts / body back. A standard method taught the Jedi’s to throw a sick persons diseased body parts to source and replace with new parts instantly thrown back to the person from source.

While it wasn’t unsuccessful it will take time for the physical body parts to grow into the new body and form around the the new energetic ones, slow or fast depending on the person. Especially slow I presume if recipient has limited their beliefs to thiink it is sliow. Often done without kbowledge if the recipient as source is the one doing it and has the final decision. (All for free)

It should be reinforced if not also repeated or kept on auto.

To continue my einforcing / repeating,. Say 'yes".

To have me put her picture on the crystalline frequency healing generator and use the generator to print her picture doing an automated Jedi method potentially greatly magnifying the effect say '‘yes’

I could also put he picture on brads relevant healing code cards. You will need to post a better picture of her here for me to use as below one that you will post to telegram.

To get the quickeat healingv / one that you need in this case, you still have to put her picture up on telegram “healing and request” room where the most Jedis possible using the same tools can do the same
further and likely greatly magnifying the effect.

Post a nice picture of her typically head or full body preferably prior to illness and that she or someone would want to see printed or representing her.

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Her toe is starting to fall, it’s beyond saving at this point (already started slowly a few days ago).

Tomorrow she’ll go to the hospital.

I’ll send you a photo in a P.M.

I had lost most of my old(er) photos, including my mom’s.


She Agrees to receive all the Healing.

Also, I Agree too.

At the very least, I hope this will be the last time she goes through sucg horrible experience…

And I hope she heals and recovers as much as possible…


On it and reinforcing. ******* Most important

I would think I had to abandon anything my mother had to put her attention on. She wont do it like yours. And any more than automatic fields she doesn’t need to consciously interact with. And any more than a small number of fields due to tiring from the fields line you said.

I’m guessing it’s only audios / morphic fields / subs / hertizan frequencuesvthat would do that. So it would have to be done * for* my mother who could easily just defeat it . The hospital which is being replaced by med beds would just encourage it most instances. Those beds most likely available days to weeks in Jan more likely earlier than later but we don’t know and Intel can be d deceiving. All indications current timeline are we are right there on the cusp of it but what week is it? This? Next? 3rd? 4th?

Generic standpoint - fields: When fields are used if they can even be used, I could try / consider aetherfreq and divine white light YouTube reikii channel. Simultaneously for sealing energy leaks and separately calling energy back. Soul restoration could help too. Emendo magic audio also has one over at YouTube. Then energy still had to be applied like sun. Implants/seals/ attachments neeed considered aetherfreq work very very well. If you can get her to talk to the aetherfreq and say things like activate… if she’s not going to tell them what she wants Im unsure how they would work. Have you been using any oxygen source?

*******But i would obviously use smarty then Brad then a particular practitioner I’m thinking of ( you’ll have to let me know if want his details) maybe all three together from sound of it. Maybe palladino.
********* I would get my mother up on telegram asap

What covid jabs, boosters, tests,. Have they had ? Mask use?

**There is a digital oxygen product play in background little to no conscious interaction useful for circulation, includes prana,. Chlorophyll, spinach. Don’t know if get oxalate overdose possible… Have to look up company. I something…

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Iawake (dot com) digital oxygen is good.

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Oh my god i’m so sorry
I don’t read much anymore on here but when I saw this I went :broken_heart: I thought she got better with the fields earlier on :pleading_face:
Don’t loose hope :sparkles:

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Thank You.
I Won’t.

Edit: Thank You, @Wings1 for All The Love and Very Helpful Replies. :pray:
May The Divine Bless You and Everyone Who Helped My Mom. :pray:

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When all else is dark, look again
You may be the light :candle:

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