Updated - Let's talk about selling and trading Sapien NFTs


Hello, I’m Troy McClure, you may have seen me in such tv series as “The Moderator”.
I’m here to talk to you today about the Buy/Sell thread and related dynamics.

Notice that I said “Buy/Sell thread”, I didn’t say “Buy/Sell/Rent/Swap/Short” thread.
It’s a way for you to buy, to sell, to trade your amazing Sapien Medicine-made digital collectible. These collectibles are meant to be used, they have real practical value through their morphic fields.

I mean, if you want to hire a lawyer and get into a digital assets-related contract at your own cost, have fun :slight_smile:

But we can’t do that for you, we can’t guarantee that.
THIS is a forum. We are forum moderators. It’s the same type of job as a reddit moderator or a chat moderator in some online discussion room.

We’re not a stock exchange or a financial firm.
“Ok Philip what’s your end-point ?”

Some of you have decided to take more and more risk and I’m sure you’ve rationalized it one way or another, maybe you think we’ll pick up the tab at the end of the day or you’ll just run with luck.

Some of you have gotten way other their head in leading complex negotiations they aren’t quite well suited to. We’re talking arrangements with layers of trades, options, swaps… THIS IS NOT A FINANCIAL MARKET !!!

You can’t just kill a bunch of people, run a meth empire, run away chased by Interpole around the world and then go to your friends or lawyer saying “What should I do ?”, “Can you help me ? You have to get me out of this”. Because by then, you would have crossed the point of no return long ago.

If you have a legitimate issue come to the moderators as soon as possible.
If you have a doubt, take a step back.

When it’s simple, it’s harder to make mistakes, it’s harder to have miscommunication.
However much you pay for your NFTs, that’s none of our concern. That’s your money, your life, your dealings. You are responsible. If being responsible scares you, then stop here.

We get invited to some conversations to settle disputes, we’re not sure if we should call the SEC… that’s if they don’t bust in the place to shut the forum down as an unlicensed securities exchange.

So, buy/sell/trade your amazing Sapien collectible in the form of NFTs, enjoy your results.

Be humble, be simple.

This is not advertised as a way to pay your rent, we don’t garantee or mention returns or yields anywhere.

We’re not responsible for your failed negotiations or your buyers deciding that they won’t buy your collectible at your price.

Even if by a miracle we could turn this place into a nanny state we wouldn’t.
I’m not sayin you can’t do thing, I’m saying if god forbid you F up really bad on of your genius deals, it’s on you.

So here’s some definitions :

To Buy: To acquire something in exchange for payment. In the context of commerce, it typically involves exchanging money for goods or services.

To Sell: To transfer ownership of something to a buyer in exchange for money. It’s the act of offering goods or services in return for payment or compensation.

To Trade: This can have two meanings. One is the general action of buying, selling, or exchanging goods and services between people or organizations. The other meaning refers to the act of exchanging items between parties where goods, services, or both are traded without the use of money.

An NFT (Non-Fungible Token): An NFT is a unique digital identifier that cannot be copied, substituted, or subdivided, that is recorded in a blockchain, and that is used to certify authenticity and ownership (as of a specific digital asset and specific rights relating to it). Each NFT is distinct or unique from other tokens in terms of its properties and not interchangeable one-for-one with another token, which makes it “non-fungible.” NFTs are commonly associated with digital goods such as artwork, collectibles, and items in video games.

Swaps, options, shorts, and rentals are financial instruments and transactions that extend beyond the classic definition of buying, selling, and trading due to their complexity and the nature of the agreements involved.

Have fun guys !


Because all of this is implied and practical common sense, you can’t act like you didn’t know this.
So, another reminder.

Seriously, we can edit messages, delete messages, read flags. Suspend people when they really abused. What do you guys want us to do ?


Most people are doing things the old simple way, but we don’t want the mindset described to become the new culture.

I’d say we never hear disputes about 95% of traders easily, if all that.

But one is too many. They are only hurting themselves, I don’t want them to come complaining.


I will make something clear now.

Once you buy your NFT, you own them. You can sell, trade or buy whatever the other party is willing to exchange.

No one can stop you or threaten you, if they do, you can report them.
If someone ever, for whatever reason, you fall on a rare lunatic, flag the messages, report the conversation, we will remove their trusted badges.

FYI- The first Trusted Badge removal happened today.

When you say “no”, it’s “no” and no one can hold this against you.

As long as you haven’t received anything, you are free to say “no” at anytime and back out of deals.

If the behavior continues just once after the trusted badge is removed, it’s straight to suspension.