Uraz NFT: Testimonials

Luna, that is so cool. I am so happy for both of you! Having someone at work who can be a part of this world is a true blessing. He must be a very sweet heart. neon gratz


Oh yes! Thank you for this comment, because that was the reason why i was saying he bought SPW but then i didnt finish that part haha…

He bought SPW like a month ago or even 6 weeks ago, long story short hed tried in many ways to import the Binance Wallet i had already created for him on my Laptop but had to be imported on his Phone and Computer and we could not for the life of Us :roll_eyes: it was always given us a different error. We tried so many times.

I decided to actually look for a Binance and Metamask online course to see what the heck because i could not figured how to fix the problem, not kidding (happy i took that decision tho)

And days passed and passed etc and either he would get busy or myself and we ended up saying “ugh ok we"ll look at it tomorrow” etc every time. It was becoming a pain already.


As we were sitting at his office today trying one more time applying what ive learned so far…

He turned back and touched his Uruz and said “come on come on Uruz, fix this thing already plueeasee” haha

And the process went fully from beginning to the end smooth!!! I was like woah?! Haha

That was pretty cool.


I know how frustrating a process that can be. Good faith on his part! :slight_smile: Nice testimonial for Uraz! :muscle:


3 of my 4 bosses are in already haha

Im a charmer!! Lol i work on sales :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

He has his moments where i want to strangle him too :roll_eyes::laughing: but he has been a big support for Me, i appreciate him very very much and thats why i kept pushing. Im glad he did.


You have now become a walking NFT! :partying_face: :hugs:


Haha and you should change your name already for “AppreciationgifsFairy” :hugs:


LOL, Rosechalice AKA Appreciation Gifs Fairy! or my new title Rosechalice, AGF
Thanks, Luna :partying_face:


I like the latter yesss :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Men of today have enormous difficulties being their gender… This Rune helps a great deal with this without adverse effects…i have managed to put order in some things here were i work which sucked my living energy since i began here (2014)…every day, every night little by little.

i put an end to many of them today… just observed, jumped, retreated victorius…that is the hunting part of it…very sweet.


I dont think it has to do with gender.

Because being strong and regaining sovereignty is not gender specific.

But i guess it can work (as an extra for those who feel emasculated some how)

Or in your case helped you taking back your power, your universal power, not manly power thatd be ego if its making you feel that way.


i mean also the other menly stuff not the penis and muscles and look…the feel of being a man in the universal sence, the growing up those thing…

i abhored all my life the alfa behaviour from the media…the boys at school who got the girls by only being aggressive primates, my father who was rude and stuff… hated that… into an exstend to suppress the man in me…that is what i ment…

it is not allowed for normal men to be such…nothing to do with macho…hate macho…

cos with this rune alll alfas in my work today were sayn : Yes Doctor, of course Doctor! and worked for me like friends…without me moving alittle finger.


It brings in a lot of respect for me too. I notice even with people who might be belligerent or rough (mostly customers at work), the Uruz energy calms them down quite a bit.


Is it ok to just use this as a phone screensaver or would it be best to have it printed out and kept on us at all times?

It’s the same effect either ways :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks Lucky :slightly_smiling_face: Since getting it I haven’t had the chance to print it off yet so I’ve been using it as my screensaver but I wasn’t sure if it works that way. I’ll get it printed off soon and hopefully reap the benefits of it :hugs:

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Where I live, we have a few pharmacies that offer photo printing at cheap prices. I had my rune nft pictures printed off in wallet size from a Walgreens. I have drawn the Energetic Addendum sigils and Book of Cards on screens more than physical printouts. I will say I really like having the photo of the nft in my wallet.


I’ll definitely be getting it printed off, I have a printer at home but I just haven’t had the chance to get to the store to purchase the ink for it yet. A bit of laziness on my part so far. I prefer the printouts also, I makes them feel more special I believe :slightly_smiling_face:



the rune
literally means “Aurochs”

which were these prehistoric European bulls
great magnificent wild creatures
hunted down till extinction
so, therefore, this rune is connected with physical strength
but also with:

life force
physical health
and healing

and in psychological terms
it’s connected with determination
and persistence and also freedom and courage of course
and one’s free-will and independence.

this rune was primarily connected with the male gender
because of physical strength
vitality, stamina, virality
and the uncontrollable rage and the warrior spirit.

you have to take in mind that the runes date back to a time
when in most societies man were the hunters, the warriors
and they were the ones to do all the works that required physical strength.

so this rune is also connected with insensitivity and brutality

but just like the pagan traditions
the runes shape themselves to the new realities of the world…

now the mythology around this rune
it’s quite possible that in its origins
the first rune Fehu and this rune - Uruz
represent a primordial pair
two polarities that together create life

so one rune - Fehu:
represents Audumbla and the domesticaded cattle

while Uruz:
represents the Aurochs
these wild bovine creatures
one rune represents the female gender
and the other the male gender
so one represents this civilized and almost domesticated aspect of ourselves
while the other one represents our most wild nature

so the two runes are very much connected

this rune is connected to the god Thor
the thunder god
the champion of the deities of Ásgard
and the sworn enemy to the forces of chaos
however, in uncontrollable rage
he unleashes storms
he unleashes chaotic power, even
so he completely loses control of his true nature

he unleashes power without measuring the consequences of it

he becomes the very thing he fights against

my point is . . .
this rune indicates that it is connected to the unconscious power that we create

by shaping the energies of this rune
so we must be guided wisely when working with this rune
so to not let ourselves be consumed by our wild instincts

divination work: with this rune

lets start with its upright meaning
life’s persistent and its endless resourcefulness

in the tasks that we must perform in order to survive

are implied within Uruz
thus it is a rune of manifestation, regeneration and, of course, endurance

This rune points out that a phase in your life has come to an end and a new one will begin has to because the life you have been living might not be the best to you.

Inverted meaning:
weakness and physical or mental fatigue
are indicated when Uruz appears inverted in a rune-reading
there may have been an underlying health problem
or perhaps it’s time for a check-up a thorough review on your lifestyle this rune is warning you that there is something wrong with your health.

be attentive or you might lose a great deal
failing to take advantage of a positive moment in your life
this rune will give you some clues but it will never tell you what it is

so be very attentive because powerful forces may range against you

your own power might be even used against you
now, so you must force an end and force a new beginning
this is a rune of change and positive growth
so it might take you into the wildest aspects of yourself

and you both have to learn and to live with your own reality
so put aside the child in you and let the adult come forth to deal with the consequences.

creating unique symbols by connecting different runes
when using Uruz with other runes it will reenforce the power of those runes

it will bring out the power in which a specific rune is more concerned with, every rune is linked to specific powers but in those powers there is only one more powerful than all the rest and what Uruz will do is to reenforce that power just that one and leave the weakest behind but be careful not to let it control you and not to be consumed by that power.



Strength +

Respect +

Relationships +

Authority +

Sex Appeal +

Stamina +

Auroch Will +

if beaten down will have the abilitie to recover and keep going forward , Auroch traits will prevail until the end.

Ilness and pests will have a lesser impact on user while healing proccess will be speed up by the everflowing lifeforce .

Goals and motivations of user will have higher chance to be achieved


You have the most creative reviews ;)

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