Urgent help needed for my medical situation (dental infection)


I have been having dental infection for a month now.
Treatment is set early coming week, but my infection has been untreated for a month and it is becoming worse.
Due to my severe side effects from antibiotics, I can’t take them at all (I tried, but all failed…)
I have tried Sapien bacteria field (free, paid both), it works at somewhat, but not really clear up infection, it keeps coming back.
(I have tried other Sapien fields as well. I used Cone of Power, but not manifesting for my condition)
I even purchased Solidifier (NFT) and made intention, but unfortunately it is not working for me.
I purchased Cosmic Intercession hoping to get some help, but it does not seem to be happening.
Now, infection spreading, becoming worse

What I am trying to ask here is if someone make intention for me using Solidifier, would it work?
Can someone make intention for me?
(If you need my legal name to make intention for me, please PM me)
It may sounds silly, but I am in big pain and infection going on for a month, I have tried all I can do by now but not improving. I am very, very tired

I thought I may be able to get some help if I post here
(Not necessary be Solidifier though, in fact I don’t know if we can use it for someone else’s benefit other than the owner)
Thank you


Praying for speedy recovery :pray:


I will write to you in private (~15 min)


candy, I PM u.
(It appears we might be on opposite time zones)

Just some info:
“I have tried Sapien bacteria field (free, paid both), it works at somewhat, but not really clear up infection, it keeps coming back.”
What that means is that (most likely) it didnt totally get rid of the infection.
So u must continue listening.

Glad u have an appointment with a dentist, to get treatment.