Urgent help needed - Get rid of amphetamine smell (and more)

I know how to transmute sexual energy, i’ve had 1 year long celibacy periods so that’s not an issue, rather the opposite now, i can’t get erect at all basically due to porn withdrawal.

Is life force same as negentropic jing?

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What is Jing used for?

The Jing tonics have been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to help restore life force energy for over 5000 years. They are revered for their qualities of promoting longevity, virility, fertility, strengthening the reproductive functions, and improving the sexual energy in both men and women


Aye, thank you. I just thought they were different fields as you used a different name (even though they mean the same, never know with sapien… :)

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One last question, i was reading about Plasma flower - wouldn’t that, in combo with Negative ions, be the absolute perfect for my home environment? Plus long term as well, for work environment and more.

im sure man, im no expert really, try it out and see for yourself

Nothing beats turning off the heat (if its on) opening the windows and airing out the place.
I had to do this when my mother was suffering from an active C. Diff. infection (massive amounts of very putrid smelling diarrhea), this was before there was a treatment for it. (it is one of the worst odors). It was all over the floor, couch, commode, etc.

Cleaning things with baking soda and a little water. I dont know if the smell is also in your clothes but u can add things to your wash too similar to baking soda which really gets the odor out, not by covering it up. (let me know if u want to know what to add) Great for B.O. trapped in clothes too, treated my oldest brothers undershirts during the summer, when he used to visit.

IDk specifically about the drug odor part of it.

Meth is water soluble.

Thanks, luckily im very cold resistant due to daily cold shower, its minus degrees outside on nights here but i am still able to sleep near the open balcony (i live in a small appartment)

So far these items i’m hoping will help my situation:

Negentropic Jing
Auric and body repair
Soul restoration core
Plasma flaunt
Plasma flower

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Quite frankly, I saw other people giving u recommendations for fields, but no real recommended action u can take in a “3D practical way” to treat the odors.
Thats why I posted my suggestions.

Yes, im not going to sit still and think these fields are going to magically perform everything for me, i’m going to take action (unbreakable will surely assist with that too) and do a clean sweep on every inch of my appartment

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So basically baking soda and water, hmm. Feels like i also need something heavier to nuke the whole place.

They add baking soda to cat litter to cut the urine odor.

For the cleaning part: Well I mean u have to clean it first if there are layers, and then use this to the final cleaning and to deodorize.

Oh shit. Well that sounds good. so is there any ruleset on how much baking soda i can use? I mix it in a big bucket of water and just sweep the floow as well on the walls, kitchen areas etc?

U add just enough water to dissolve it.

It dissolves better in warm water.
U have to shake it up to really dissolve it well, I do that in a large jar or container first, then use it.
For a stove, I then put a little on it dry then use the moistened sponge with the solution.

No rules for it, but u can google for more info. It is quite versitile

I don’t know what that is. Do you have a link?

I have kids and pets and I live in a 200+ year old house lol

You want the Natures Miracle enzymatic stain and odor remover Spray you get it at pet stores or at chewy.com

It’s amazing.


Method’s purple spray is amazing too
I believe it’s an all purpose spray, but it’s purple

If it’s that bad Spray every single surface and let it sit for at least an hour go have a coffee or something

Then come back and wipe everything down vacuum

Also- get an essential oil diffuser the electric kind and cover the smell (AFTER cleaning it this won’t do it on its own) get geranium essential oil and diffuse. Don’t get the kind with reeds.

We once lived in an apartment where everyone’s dog would crap on our front lawn (it was happening for years before we moved in) and the foyer smelled like pure dog crap and the geranium diffusing worked like a charm every time we had company

Good luck to you let us know how it goes


Thanks. Problem is I don’t know how bad it is/was, since I have lost my sense of smell 100% (I can not smell a single thing) so I had to get someone to smell, which is… embarrassing to say the least but I’ll figure something out.

However, I solved it, and cleaned my entire apartment so it’s spot free. If you only realize how bad it was, there were flies in the sink, hundreds of them, it was the most disgusting environment ever, and floor FULL of dust and random garbage everywhere. After joining this community, listening to various sapien fields to help with this, I managed to turn everything around and everything looks completely spot free now, it took several days of extreme cleaning, but it did so much for me in terms of mental health, to live in a clean environment, and not be disgusted by myself or my environment. I could not even do the dishes because of how disgusting they were, i just threw away 20 plates, glasses etc.

Now i could basically eat from the floor due to how clean it is, best part of my extreme behaviors is that when it goes extreme to the good way, it’s really good, i don’t think I’ve seen a cleaner apartment ever than the one I am living in now.

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Omg! I don’t know what happened but I didn’t realize how old your post was and how many people already replied


Well anyways, the sprays are good


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