US Elections - Any Predictions?


Trump will be victorious.
Now, i dont care anymore about politics, but what i liked about trump, that he wasnt a normie.
Good show. :clap:


Biden seems to be leading though?


Nah… Trump is leading in the battlegrounds states (Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina).
The only thing left for Biden to win is (maybe) Wisconsin and Nevada.

The voter fraud is strong on this one, it would be a shame for some people if it was being monitored. :wink:

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Oh yeah I was surprised about Wisconsin. This morning, it was in Trump’s favour, but now it’s turned blue.

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Right? Not suspicious at all.

I am more surprised how the Democrats in Michigan found a trove of 130k votes overnight when everone was asleep and all of these votes magically went to Biden. I repeat, not one single vote for Trump.

I am more suprised how Pennsylvania is allowed to count ballots received late that have no postmark.

I am more surprised that in Arizona people were being given Sharpies at the polling places to vote and now these votes do not count. There is no way Arizona went Blue, especially not for Biden.

Also, as common sense suggests… Elections delayed are elections being stolen.
Fake news, fake polls, and now get ready for fake ballots.

Trump will win nonetheless.


That 130K chunk was indeed surprising! Common, all of it for Biden? Very fishy… Michigan seems to have a Biden narrow lead as well. If Michigan, Nevada, Wisconsin go Biden, does Trump still have a chance with Pennsylvania and Georgia? Not sure. Last night, Arizona was still under discussion, not sure what happened this morning (just woke up)…


If Trump wins I’ll get the subconscious limits dissolver tag


Can you see a pattern here?

The Democrats swing states stopped counting and went home the moment they realized Trump had won, ALL OF THEM, at once. Now they’ll magically find hundreds of thousands of Ballots to flip those States in a blatant dishonest power play.

If Biden were to win all those 3 states that would give him exactly 270 electoral votes and Trump would lose. This might end up in the Supreme Court anyway.


My astrologer says the opposite of that, according to him the trump chart is terrible while Biden’s chart has the best possible combinations

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then you’ll be suprised what money and energetic influences can do ;D


We will see but I’m 120% sure Trump won but they are too scared to announce it.

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Oh ho! Election Day has turned Origin dark!! (profile pic I mean) :laughing:


in news they said Biden won

So here are my predictions:

  1. The Democrats swing states stopped counting and went home the moment they realized Trump had won, ALL OF THEM, at once.

  2. Now they’ll magically find hundreds of thousands of Ballots to flip those States in a blatant dishonest power play.

  3. Trump will take them to court.

  4. Democrats, MSM & Big Tech will scream: “VOTER SUPPRESSION!” and vomiting fear porn and doubts from all directions for the coming days in order to gain time so that Democrats can keep “finding” Ballots.

  5. SCOTUS will force Democrats to stop and throw out all their late Ballots (Late found Ballots won’t be admissible).

  6. Trump is declared as the winner.


News say a lot of things which all are “trustworthy”.

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where are these predictions from?

I said Biden before, but boy is it close now. This has to be the slowest election in history


This is my prediction!!!