US Presidential Election

For me, I personally think Russia’s goal with Ukraine is to restore the culture, removing woke ideologies.

We can also notice this in recent Decree:
"President Vladimir Putin signed a decree allowing foreign citizens and stateless individuals to apply for temporary residency in the country if they share “traditional Russian spiritual and moral values,” even in cases when a person does not speak Russian.

The decree states that those who oppose the “destructive neoliberal ideological agenda” in their home country can seek “humanitarian support” from the Russian authorities by applying for a temporary residence permit."

I mean, think about this, if their goal is land mass, it doesn’t make any sense. Russia is the largest country with a population of 140Million. By any means they are similar to Australia. If we go by resource, Russia has the largest natural resources in the world.

So the goal is either preserving Tradition and culture or securing pipelines.


Or something else entirely…

It has to be more than just that… I feel…

Because, how would a war preserve tradition

By creating racism or something like that?

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That’s because of the restrictions on export, their economy is doing worst but they don’t import. So the balance is growing.

Please check how GDP is calculated and other metrics

The economy is worst overall by any metric you can choose. This is superficial misleading soundbite

Again, I know many people can only think in binary, right/wrong so let me say again. I’m not for the other team.

Just cause you don’t like one team doesn’t mean you have to accept the other guy’s propaganda without double checking


I think Ukraine has similar culture and tradition to Russia or at least they had in the past. But the last decade we can clearly notice they started to move towards western ideologies. Well, that’s what I think.


Well, i thought it was to stop the Americans from getting military bases there too, but maybe you’re right.

Also, Russia must have otsd from Communism…
So no more extremevleftist fir them.

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When I was growing up… I never thought I’d hear something like this

:seedling::palm_tree: :scream: 🫣


It sounds Surreal lol.
The opposite of what was the case for almost a century.

It just shows how things can change so drastically and quite fast too.


Again, rambling and dodging.

You’re implying that they’re economie grew, I’m saying it’s not and that the GDP growth is due to lack of import.

Even if you were right (which I don’t think) it leads to the same conclusion. Not doing better.

When you stop paying for Netflix, stop going to restaurant and start farming to feed yourself, it’s not cause you’re balling and swimming in cash.

no you don’t :point_down:

and of all things, you chose money as a metric


Yeah lol

I’m looking forward to reading this thread tomorrow imma sleep
Paz :v:

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Peace. :pray:

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Me placing my likes on both JAAJ and Dr_Manhattan, cuz you never know who wins the argument.


Also, they have to increase production to sustain growth and become self-sufficient, so the economy doesn’t ripple, while still funding war. Which is tough. Average income and quality of life isn’t that all great compared to west. It will take them lot of years to achieve that. But I think they are in the right direction to become self-sufficient.


Same as everyone

great, but what’s the bottom line ?


Isnt Zelensky and Putin(or Putin’s) drinking champagne together behind the scenes?

Well who knows the truth


Laundering money together, uniting their countries after duping everyone.

11/10 Chess Moves.


Just stating they are barely keeping the economy alive right now.
But they do have the potential to become a stable economy in the long run as they have vast amount natural recourses.


Laughing in Romania.

Only gangsters don’t pay for Netflix. :sunglasses:

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Yeah, I wonder if the price caps on essential items as anything to do with it

They have a devalued currency, shortages in many areas and entire industries and markets have disappear to focus on the essential. Also they are importing lower quality products beyond sanctions.

All they needed is for that 3 days operation to turn into a multi year attrition war to raise their economies.

What happens when your currency gets devalued and you put in price caps ?
Anyone knows ?

Any economists in here ?

It makes your money worth less, and your prices stay the same.
Leading to an increase in PPP

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Going back to the Main Topic:

Trump has Won!

What does this mean for America?
How about Russia, Europe, BRICS,
or the rest of the World?

What will change?

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The only downside is they have lot of corruption in the private sector. Need better economic policies to get the best out of those recourses.

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