A guy I met online created two authority items. He placed his phone overnight and placed a second item for 4,5 hours on the sigil.
3 hours is the recommended time for creation. Are these items safe to use?
Are these items boosted, because they had such a long creation time?
I’m worried, because one time I created a dragon golem, who was over 5 hours on the sigil. Having the item near me really hurt my energy body, so I released the dragon immediately.
Using that field made me realize the item is already very complex and heavy for the energy body. But whether it could be used is subjective on individual experience. I wouldn’t be able to use it because I’m extremely energy sensitive!
I envy guys who loop the Vibration or Soul Restoration series or any other audios. 2 times is good and 3 is max, from what I have found. More that that and I feel massive headache and irritation.
I’m not certain about specific items, but Dream’s creation processes typically stop naturally after the stated amount of time.
The amount of time typically indicates the amount of time necessary for the process to complete. So when this is the case, the item won’t be strengthened even if placed on the sigil for a long time.
From noon till night, at 11 I guess. I had to take it off. I felt ired and irritated. Everytime I put it on, I feel warm energy emitting from it. The item is a watch.
Yeah, feels like blocks.
You know the drill…
Point of no return stack and/or
ahem … Energetic Servitor, if available
and/or Energetic Awareness course
Try building up to it.
Only wear it while sleeping or a just a few hours a day for an important meeting, etc.
If you are not 100% alligned with it, its gonna be a constant battle with insecure men.
I wore it in the beginning for the social enjoying and dominance, but the authority part is too much.
Im more of a warrior-type, not leader, so I didnt align with it 100%.
The result was men either being completely submissive or insecure ones trying to fight.
One instance was this fat piece of shit who was like “why you looking at me like that?!”
Wasnt even looking at him lol, made eye contact for 1 sec and he got triggered.
The field did seem to work because while I was contemplating how I was gonna bash his skull in for the disrespect, he quickly looked down and the girl he was with dragged him way.
I didnt even enter fight or flight, it was like I was the general and this young new soldier didnt know who he was messing with.
Definitely great for military leaders and similar, but unless you actually wanna be the authority everywhere, the inner conflict will devour you.
On that note, maybe Dream can re-create it without the authority part?