I downloaded the Higher Self Connection audio from Patreon and embeded the Higher Self pic from Instagram so whenever I play the audio the image comes up too. I was thinking, if I did the same for other audios that have mandalas, such as aura cleansing (audio + DW’s Card System), will that amplify the effects, or do the audios and sigils have clashing properties?
I’d think so…It makes sense…could be wrong though, but it couldn’t hurt…
The mandalas might work but the cards require activation when played, so even if you see the card it won’t work unless you activate it. Once you get used to activating it a few times, the card will activate if you just focus on it.
The higher self pic from Instagram is not a mandala like other images, is what I think… Originally this seemed to be just a picture with some residual energy but not sure if he did update it later with an actual field?
Question: Can this be used for a screensaver for effects?
Sapien: ahh no, there is only residual energy in it not an actual field. But i will add it to the image also so you can use it
In Instagram there are only mandalas and psychic cards. The Connection to Higher Self image is lumped/arranged with the other mandalas so it is one of them. No need to activate it.
The above response I quoted was from Sapien - specifically on the Higher Self image, on Instagram in response to a question from someone regarding this image. . The way I read his comment - this image is different from other Mandalas which have fields in them - while this one does not and hence cannot be used like other Mandalas and Psychic cards? Not sure how else to interpret Sapien’s comment regarding its use?
This was Sapien’s last response to the question on the HS image (Instagram):
[alexandr.saint]: Can this be used for a screensaver for effects?
Sapien: @kondic.d its there already
So, he meant that he already embedded the energy for anyone to use the image. I assume it’s already a ready-to-use Mandala but you can check with others just to be sure. I have already used this as my screensaver and wallpaper when it came out.
Perhaps… @anon2456476 may be able to clarify as the response was directed to him (though he does not seem to figure in that specific conversation).
I remember seeing Sammy’s response somewhere which is what gave me the idea to embed it with the audio. I Also use it as my phone wallpaper but don’t feel any energy by looking at it, unless it’s very subtle that I don’t consciously notice.
I, too do not feel the energy with this, although I listen to the HS video daily. By comparison, when I used the Abundance/Prosperity mandala, it was really strong but I only use the Draw Luck one now, which I had printed since Sapien stressed to use just one mandala at a time to have better, stronger results.