Using western classical music for fields

I’m curious to know if Captain has ever considered using western classical music of Mozart, Beethoven for fields?

It would be doubly healing, wouldn’t it?

If the recordings or renditions can be still copyrighted there is always AI to recreate their works, no one can do anything about it.

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i think the concern is that anyone who hears that song, assuming it is played the same way, would be unknowingly exposed to these fields. since they are directly attached to that specific, unique sound. i’m pretty sure of this but could be wrong.

i feel like attaching negentropic fields to widely used songs would be a good way to spread negentropy in the world. more exposure

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It doesn’t work that way

Only music fielded will act as field so anyone listening to the same music by same artist will not feel its effects.

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Why not simply attach the field to the planet?

Also, I mean, when people meditate “for world peace” etc, they also try to energetically influence the whole planet, don’t they?

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there seem to be existing elements of western classical music in the fields which can be jarring in certain parts of the audio (subconscious limits removal v2) or even the entire audio (blueprint of life).

my subjective preference would be for more soothing elements (ego dissolution) which i can sleep with.